Saturday, January 19, 2008


Well the culinary got their asses handed to them on a platter today.

Although they endorsed Obama, lobbyed very hard to get all of their union members to vote for him, and arranged to have 9 extra caucus centers inside strip casinos to make it easier for them to do so.... Hilliary won the democratic caucus anyway.


Better luck next time latinos!!
Better luck next time Obama you muzzie fucker!!

On the republican side Romney won, which is no surprise really.
I mean, we are real close to mormon country here, and mormons have alot of influence here, so I kind of saw that one coming.

The fucked up thing about today is the fact that this state has approx 2.6 million people, with approx. 1.7 million of them living right down here in the southern tip, and yet only 100,000 or so showed up to caucus in the entire state.

The parties and the media all thought it was a great turn out.
I find it pretty pathetic. 100,000 people decided for the whole state.
You would think that now, out of all times, people would be getting off their butts to participate in the next presidential election.
I guess not.
Lets hope everyone does better when it comes to the actual election!!!

And lets face it we ALL love to bitch now don't


Anonymous said...

still a long way till the actual presidential election. And still too hard to tell who will win it. I do believe that if Obama wins the delegates to represent the democrats this will only help the republicians. Believe me the republician candidate will break out all the good stuff on Obama and use it as ammo against him. Like him being a muslim, flip flopping and the sever lack of experience he has currently.

I can see a commercial now...Many polls taken said that at 89% or higher that people in america don't want a muslim in the office of president or a person who affiliated with islam. Then a commercial on this supposed church Obama belongs to. There is so much ammo to use. Just, the republicians are waiting to use it if needed. Same goes for Hillary too. She takes about all this experience she has over 35 years. Well, if someone can tell me just one or two things she has done of significance...please inform us. Because she hasnt done shit. Also, where does she get 35 yrs. When her hubby was governor. She was in private law practice. When he was president she made an attempt at Hillary care and just quit at it six months into it. As a senator, she has never put a bill through that's been passed on her own. Any bill passed was because she was a secondary contributor. Which means if she just adds one sentence to a bill from the primary writer...she must get partial credit. So again, I ask what experience does she have over the other candidates, she claims she has.

loki said...

I couldn't have said it better myself!!!

Anonymous said...

just goes to show you, even stupid illiterate illegals know better than to vote for a fucking nigger muslim.

Anonymous said...

and who did you vote for loki?

Anonymous said...

A candidate needs to acquire 2025 delegates to represent their party for the president. So, we have a long way to go, to ascertain who will be the candidate for their party. Definitely too early to call who will be representing both parties. And then we have people who will pop up as independents too. Will be very interesting to see who's going to get the delegates at the convention. All I know, is the democrats will not make things better for the country. I happen to like like McCain and always liked him. He has been a senator for a long time and stands by his convictions. I believe he's sincere and as honest as a politician can be. I also, think any president should have served in the military, since they will have to make some tough decisions when it comes to military action. And McCain served our country and was in a war, as well as, he was a POW for approximately 7 years in such horrible conditions. I'm hoping McCain wins the big prize.

loki said...

The only problem I have with McCain, AND ITS A HUGE PROBLEM, is the fact that he signed onto that Clinton, Kennedy bill awhile back to give amnesty to all the fucking illegals!!!

Yes I know that now he is saying we have to be tough on illegals and secure the border, etc....

But to me that just shows flip flopping and I can't trust him because of it!

So I do NOT support John McCain!

To me the most important issue is illegal immigration.

If we fix that we would greatly improve the economy,
the over crowded school systems,
the outragious costs of health care,
the fact that $40-50 Billion a year leave our country from mexicans sending it to family in Mexico,
and the $30-40 Billion a year that goes to mexico due to the drug trade,

It all rests on whether or not we will get rid of all the illegals (95% mexican) who are sucking us dry.