Monday, January 7, 2008


In the "good ol' days" parents used to send their children outside to play when they got under foot and became annoying.
Children used to play all over the neighborhood and return home only when it was dinner time.
Children who were bored or had to much energy were given chores to do, the premise being idle hands breed mischief, and therefore mischief was kept in check by exhausting the child.
Chores were also given as a way to teach the child that no one gets a free ride in this world.
Chores taught them ethics, taught them that by working hard they could accomplish many things. Chores gave them a sense of pride in themselves.
Playing hard and working hard kept the children out of trouble.

But as I said...those were the good ol' days!
Times have certainly changed.

Today children cannot run the neighborhoods as they once did because it is simply not safe for them.
This automatically puts them under foot of the parents, and playtime has been replaced by television and video games.
Their little minds and bodies have become somewhat atrophied and less necessary than they once were.
Another effect of being "home bound" is the frazzeled nerves of parents, who instead of taking the time to stimulate their childs brain have instead demanded the creation of so-called diseases
(ADD & ADHD) and have demanded medication in which to combat it. Parents in essence have medicated their children in order to make their own lives more tolerable!!!

A child naturally has a short attention span, and exsist in a hyperactive state of being. They go from one interest to another in quick succesion, and because of this they stimulate their imaginations, they stimulate their brains, which in and of itself stimulates their brain capacity and learning abilities.

But in todays world parents seeking a way to "calm" and control the child, drug companies seeking a way to profit from it, and doctors seeking a way to explain what is "abnormal" about normal behavior, have labeled this inate and natural part of a child's being a "disease".

"Chores" is also becoming and extinct word in the vocabulary of children.
They no longer believe they have to earn what they get. These days more and more children believe they deserve everything for doing nothing.
This translates into many of them taking what belongs to others when they get big enough to do so.
This also translates into one more thing a child does NOT have to keep their little brains and bodies busy these days.
Children who have no purpose and who have nothing in their little lives to be proud of WILL, in the end, wreak havoc upon society.
The state of the world today proves my postion on this.

I do not have to explain the detrimental effect this has had on our society as a whole. All you have to do is look around you.
Think about how it was in your childhood. Think about how it was in your parents childhood. The difference between then and now is like night and day!!!

The relatively docile reaction to perverts who prey on kids, the lack of a good work ethic, the belief in being "owed" something for doing absolutely nothing, and the mind numbing boredom of childhood has created a world that would be completely unrecognizable to our ancestors.

Shame on us all!!!


Anonymous said...

Very well said Loki. You should consider sending this thread to Fox News (cable). I am sure this piece would spark the interest of Bill O'Reilly or even Glenn Beck. Yes, this thread would have to get by their assistants for them to actually review it and then considering using it on their show. But, hey it's worth a shot.

Anonymous said...

loki you dont even have kids so how the hell would you know anything

loki said...

Hey, not having kids gives me an objective outlook on this situation.

One does not need to have children in order to see what is completely obvious.

Infact having children makes one bias and therefore NOT honest about this entire situation!!

I am an outside observer and therefore I can see quite clearly thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!

loki said...

P.S....thanks Scuba

Anonymous said...

anonymous 3:11 PM,

You most mentally challenge. A person doesn't have to have kids to make a comment you made above. Like Loki said, she can be ojective and see things from outside the block. Most parents today would absolutely agree with Loki. Kids are not nearly as safe as they use to be. When I was a kid we didn't have ADD and then give medicine out to resolve this supposed affliction. Parents, teachers or other adults in which a child was in there care, would give them projects or something to do. Kids do have short attention spans. Therefore a person should be creative in how the keep a child focused on things.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


If I were a kid

I wouldn't do a fucking chore for anyone until my parents got up off there fat lazy ass and out of the chat rooms the article never mentioned that

back in the day ,parents were good parents sure there were issues

but when a parent hangs out in a chat room looking for love

I'd tell my mom to go fuck herself

Anonymous said...

anon January 9, 2008 10:44 AM

this is true

computers have made things more complicated makes it easy for women and men to cheat on there spouses thats for sure back then a person had to work at it to cheeet now its a click away

loki said...

I agree that parental supervision is sorely lacking in todays society.

Either parents don't really want to give up their own lives for those of their children OR with today's economy being the way it is both parents have to work in order to pay the bills.

Even though I am a strong independent woman myself, I believe mothers are the foundation and back bone of a family and life was MUCH better in the days when women stayed home.

Of course women suffered from being seen as inferior because of it, due to the stupidity of men.
The male race would have done well to honor the foundations of life and home instead of making women into unimportant lil play things.

And the government would have done better to make sure a living wage was provided for the "bread winners".

It would have also been prudent had fathers not learned that leaving was ok.
Single parent homes are the norm now. This was NOT so in the good ol' days.
Fathers stayed and took responsibility for the creations they produced.

Oh an ANONYMOUS 10:44 in the good ol' days your mom would have knocked you on your ass if you told her to go "fuck herself"
And then your dad would have knocked you on your ass again for it!!!

Discipline and respect is in short supply these days which is another reason for out of control children!

As the lord said..."spare the rod. spoil the child"

Anonymous said...

I bet your a real ball buster loki lol

Anonymous said...

I think Loki mades a shit load of sense. Apparently she is well educated and sees the world as it truly is. Instead of some people who sweep issues under the rug and think their problems will just disappear. Well, those problems don't go away, they just get worse. It's like a invisble time bomb.

Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

making women into unimportant lil play things.

i love being a play thing!

Anonymous said...

thats all women are are lil playthings

they certainly have no brains

Anonymous said...


Who is going to change my diaper?

loki said...

Anonymous 11:32,

I realize that you were probably joking abit however you ask me to comment and so I did

loki said...

Anonymous said...
thats all women are are lil playthings
they certainly have no brains

Keep that hallucination alive baby!!!

Anonymous said...


women show they have no brains when they cam all the muzzie terrorists and befriend them

that's brains??

yeah between the loins

LOKI - Nana said...

Just because certain women you know cam on the internet that does NOT mean all of us do it!!!

And might I remind you that men also cam on the internet.

So how many brains do they have???

I think that double standard mentality you are exhibiting is beneath you!!
Don't you agree.

LOKI - Nana said...

Oh and BTW, I have found in my life that men, in general, can be played like fucking fiddles.

They all have "MUG" written right across their foreheads.
Where's the brains in that?

Anonymous said...

men can be played yes I agree not ALL women cam I agree with that too but MOST of them do key word being MOST

but its the women who are the ones in control of there pooch between there legs

men only can ask

but women oblige

and if they don't oblige

on to the next one

its simple its a numbers game

loki said...

There's that "boys will be boys" attitude that keeps kicking us all in the ass!!

Girls should always say no,

and boys should keep moving from one to another, and then another, and then another.

Yeah that's been working out really well for everyone, especially the children, right??