Sunday, January 27, 2008


Well, well, well, things just became a little clearer today!!!

I have often wondered why Venezuala's President Hugo Chavez says such crazy things.
His arrogance and paranoia seem without bounds.

Yesterday the reason for his behavior became quite clear when he accepted a handful of coca leaves from his Bolivian buddy Evo Morales while they were attending a summit meeting.

Old Hugo put them in his mouth and began chewing them with glee saying "Coca isn't cocaine and you know the strength they give you".
He continued on by saying "I have grown used to having them every morning".

The leader of a nation standing up, for all the world to see, and endulging in drug use.
Again WOW!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hugo loves the fact that coke brings him billions of dollars.

He should be shot.

Anonymous said...

that is kind of funny and your right it might explain some of the things he has been saying

Anonymous said...

coca leaves dont become cocaine until they are processed and certain substances are added. however, in their natural state, they do offer a buzz and a feeling of euphoria and the feeling that you can do anything. thats why niggers love coke and crack so much, it makes them feel like they are kings of the world and can do anything, instead of feeling like the miserable lovelife street trash that they are.

Anonymous said...

You would think since it gives you a feeling of euphoria that chavez would be happier instead of always trying to pick a fight with america

Anonymous said...

Chavez is like that little nat your swatting in the summer. A bit annoying, but sooner or later you get it. Chavez knows he's no match america regardless who he allies with. In fact prior to going to mid-eastern nations. He tried the russians and they flat out refused him. And even the russians warned him not to push america too far. And if he did that they wouldnt support or back him.

Anonymous said...

i love coke.