Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Someone asked me recently why I so often compare Islam to nazism.
The following video connects the dots between the 2 ideas quite nicely. I implore you all to watch it!!!

Its 5 min. 40 sec. long

They who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are destine to repeat them!!!


Anonymous said...

I watched this a long time ago on the history channel or some channel like that. I was very shocked cause until then I never knew the muslims were a part of world war 2 but it figures that they were a part of it since it was such a gruesome time in history.

Anonymous said...

I loved the way you ripped the huge nose
keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Loki, Ferret likes to say things to simply get a response and for shock value too. She's not playing with a full deck either. I personally believe that ferret is jealous of you because of how well you articulate yourself. As well as, you're well respect amomgst the majority of us. And you're adamant and passionate in your convictions. Simply put...you care about our great nation and want to see it fixed. Whereas, ferret she's a bleeding liberal and feels everything is owed to her and everything else these idiot liberal believe in.

And good for you in defending yourself and doing it in a proper and polite manner. Just shows, you're not a vindicative person and have the ability to debate without getting personal or being rude. Ferret could learn a lot from you, but she's the type she doesnt learn from her own mistakes or others.

Anonymous said...

Loki you seem to be fairly popular the last couple of days. I guess you really pissed off ferret. I agree with the above anon you do articulate yourself very well and yet you still slice very deep into your oponents. You are the kind of people we need leading the charge against islam and I sure am glad your on our side lol

J*A*C*K said...

Ferret simply strikes out at those who tell the truth. She feels threatened by the truth as do most people who constantly lie.

Anonymous said...

fuck ferret and her huge nose