Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Mind you, this isn’t just any ol' minaret that will be broadcasting the satanic verses. It’s the minaret of what is known as St. Louis’s
“Little Bosnia”.
That’s right — a Bosnian minaret, Bosnians being those secular ("non-radical") muslims who we (the U.S.) helped to kill untold numbers of Serbs in the 90s, while transplanting their “refugees” here so that one of them could shoot 9 Americans for Valentine’s Day last year.
Oh the irony is not lost on about you guys??

In a day and age where the ACLU, like a pack of hungry wolves, is tracking down ANYONE who even utters the word Christ in public, we now see a prayer tower being constructed where daily prayers, from the Muslim "holy" book, will be heard coming from a loud speaker 5 times a day so that everyone around will have to hear it.

Pat & Kathi my heart goes out to you!!!!
But seriously, you and ALL your neighbors should call the cops 5 times a day, EVERY FUCKING DAY, and report them for disturbing the peace.
Use the laws against them. That is what they do to us!!


Anonymous said...

Loki has a great idea there, Pat & Kathi.

Tell everyone you know to call the po-po 5 times a day until they shut that shit down for disturbing the peace.

That fucking satanic tower is cold and ugly looking. It gives me the creeps.

I wonder if someone can get away with shooting bullets at all of the speakers....

Anonymous said...

I agree the police will get really tired of getting those complaints constantly and since the prayers times happen at set times each day if enough people are all calling at the same time it could possibly crash the system on occassion. Also maybe a class action law suit could be filed by the non-muslims against the mosque saying something like the mosque of prosylatizing to your children without your permission. I don't know if it would work but it would draw attention to the issue and anything that causes trouble for the muslims would be acceptable.
Loki is right the law is on your side in this case andif people do not take avantage of it and shut this place down the rest of us willhave to see and hear this in our own neighborhoods soon.

LOKI - Nana said...

Yeah I see no reason why you could not get an injunction or something like that against the mosque to force them to STOP creating all that noise pollution.

There was a case, I can not remember which city it was in, but the muzzies complained they did not like to have to hear the church bells chime on Sunday morning because they felt it violated their religious rights. I believe the church was made to stop the practice.

This being the case, clear presedent has been set;

if a church can not ring simple bells one time a week, then muzzies should not be able to blather out long ass prayers 5 times a day-7 days a week on a loud speaker.!

They do use our laws against us but in ways like these we can turn around and use those very same laws to slap them right back down.

Afterall fair is fair!!!

I guess we shall see just how committed the non-muslims in St. Louis are to stopping this nauseating thing that is being thrust upon them against their will!!!

LOKI - Nana said...

There was another case in which a mosque was told to stop doing the loud speaker thing because it DOES disturb the peace.
The mosque refused to stop saying that "allahs law" superceded mans law.

Well the mosque was completely shut down and had to move. The mosque then sued and lost their case.

BECAUSE we do have disturbing the peace laws on the books.

I would suggest you get started on the campaign and be absolutely relentless!!!

Anonymous said...

The fucking muslims DO NOT NEED THESE FUCKING SPEAKER TOWERS. All they need is THEIR alarm clocks at home and work to to go off right before prayer times, and they can set their cell phones to beep right before prayer times and then all muslims will see eachother crouched down and they will do the same.. monkey see monkey do.

They know their fucking dumb prayers by heart, they don't need these stupid speaker towers.

When Christians, Jews, Buddhists and other religions pray, they don't force entire communities to hear their stuff.

Muslims are EVIL and just plain RUDE. Their plans are to destruct America and this speaker tower is their way of showing us that THEY ARE TAKING OVER and THEIR GOAL IS TO CONVERT NON-MUSLIMS OR KILL THEM.

This speaker tower is a huge accomplishent for them. Soon, if we keep bending over for these cocksuckers there will be speaker towers placed all across our country - one every 10 miles, and then they will demand that Christians and Jews remove their churches and temples as they "ofend" muslims..

You see where this shit is headed?



Kathi said...

When the talk of building a muslim mosque in my neighborhood was first brought up, I wrote to every member of the St. Louis County Council as well as local Senators and Representatives. It was first voted down, but when the local jewish community joined their forces, they over turned the ruling. This time I not only wrote letters, I called each office to voice my opinion.

I also voiced my opinion to the city elected officials, when the tower issue came up, but since I don't live in the city proper, but in the county, my complaints were brushed aside. I will be able to hear the damn thing once the tower gets speakers. You know its only a matter of time before the speakers are installed.

The local tv and radio news are carrying stories on the blog I commented on. I have no idea why they selected my comment. I must admit, I'm a little aprehensive to think the FBI is investigating me, but I don't have anything to hide.
What bothers me most, is that they are taking me, a law abiding, christian American and making me look like some kind of crazed hater bent on destruction. I am being investigated for hate crimes just because I voiced my opinion. WTF is wrong with this picture? We have citizens picketing the funerals of our soldiers with no legal reprecussions and I speak my mind and get investigated. It's not right at all.

Anonymous said...

All you are doing Kathi is expressing your thoughts.
It is called "Freedom of Expression."

"Freedom of Speech" is your right and no one can take that away from you.

Anonymous said...

Kathi you should also share your story on that blog. When the muslims across the street asked you to take down your outdoor Christmas decos because your display "offended" them!

Kathi said...

Thank you, I think I will. To be honest, I'm still puzzled why my rather tame comment one they picked to quote.


LOKI - Nana said...

Kathi I think they picked your comment in order to put a racial spin on it since you said..."we white non-muslims.."

They are intent on proving that they (muzzies) are not the problem but rather the true problem is a few white "skin head" lovin' types.

It is so very easy to brush those types aside and completely ignore their feelings and their issues.

Regarding the Jewish help with this damn thing.
I just don't get alot of Jews.
They surely know that muzzies would like to see them completely exterminated from the face of the earth but they still help them.

I think they are simply in denial just like our own government and alot of other people who think if we are just nice to muzzies they will be nice to us!!

Regarding your efforts to prevent the mineret in the first place, you may have lost the battle but DO NOT give up on the war!!!
Keep trying.

When that fucking thing starts belting out that fucked up music and arabic words everyday MANY people are gonna be upset.
Even some of the ones who might have originally supported it in the beginning.

Because that shit is irritating, and nauseating.
Not to mention the fact that 1st prayer is like at 5:30 in the morning I think.!
People are gonna be so pissed at being woke up every single morning at 5:30 by the shit 7 days a week, 365 days a year, from now to eternity!!!

Anonymous said...

Loki, don't under-estimate the jews they are extremely smart and more than likely have an agenda. As in fight the muslims from within. Or the old saying keep your friends close and your enemies even closer so you can watch them and plan around what you observe. The jews to me are always a few steps ahead of these bastards. And what looks strange now, might make a shit load of sense to us later on. I'm sure you know what I mean.

Kathi said...

I do want to clarify something. When I spoke of white non-muslims, not only was I referring to myself, but to the area of the tower. That part of St. Louis city is predominantly a white Christian area. Until the muslims invaded, it was about 90% white Christian, if not higher. Also, the area where I live in south St. Louis County, where the mosque is being built, was predominantly 95% or higher white Christian.
Like most cities, St. Louis and its surroundings have areas that are white, mixed, asian, black, etc.


LOKI - Nana said...

Oh Kathi I completely understand. I was simply stating why they might have used your statement.

They like to put a racist spin on everything because Americans are deathly afraid of ever being considered racist.

If they can make people believe that you all are just racist lil bastards then they can pretty much do whatever they want because whenever you complain they can simply cry rasism just like some other groups of people in this country do. I think you know who I mean!

LOKI - Nana said...

Well you might be right, but it does boggle the mind when you see jews backing muzzies!!!