Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Is NIKE supporting Islam???

3 mins, 8 secs long


Anonymous said...

Loki, drives me crazy when large corporations appease muslims as to not offended them, simply to get their business. Like McDonalds, Starbucks and a few others in saudi arabia will comply with their stupid laws as in separate areas for males and females. So, they're essentially agreeing to segregation just for the all mighty dollar. They should be ashamed of themselves as a corporation. Just sets a very bad example for our young people thinking of starting and expanding to a large business.

Why don't these corporations denounce this action and not offer to sell their products in these countries. Their profit margins are high enough. Also, in saudia arabia these segregate areas are luxury for the men and sub-par for the woman. Oh but, islam respect their woman and high regard them as queens. LOL what a joke.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMFAO I bet those sand nigga bitchs think there sexy wearin that shit

Kathi said...

No more Nike sports gear in our house, for damn certain!
