Monday, March 10, 2008


Naturally there is much outrage when a certain person's middle name is used, or when cartoons of mohamhead are published, or when muzzie prisoners have underwear placed on their heads,
BUT where's the outrage in the mainstream media and from human rights organizations for this war crime by Hamas.................

An officer in Israeli Military Intelligence revealed in a briefing by foreign minister Livni to foreign ambassadors that.......

"before the IDF attacks Qassam workshops or warehouses it distributes flyers asking the residents to evacuate the area.
But Hamas exploits the flyers and places small children on the rooftops in order to foil the attacks, and thus because of this trick the IDF is forced to halt many such bombings at the last moment."

"We are working with our hands tied because of all these laws and because we are part of the free world and because this is part of our values,"
Israeli foreign minister Livni said.

So many Islamic autrocities occur EVERYDAY and yet you never ever hear the mainstream media or human rights organizations condemn them.
But the second someone says Barack "Hussien" Obama, all hell breaks lose.


Anonymous said...

its a sad world we live in these days when muslims are allowed to do the most horrible things while the world turns a blind eye but when anyone dares to defend themselves against
muslims they are accused of commiting crimes against humanity.

Kathi said...

I agree.
