Saturday, May 31, 2008


Barack Obama was photographed on the tarmac by Doug Mills of the New York Times with a book in his left hand titled "The Post-American World." Notice, his finger is near the mid-point, obviously saving his page, telling us that he didn't want to fold the page or stick a bookmark in it because he wished to get back to the book as quickly as possible.

Why would a man that desires to be President of the United States read a book about the demise of America?

Could it be because he is anti-American?

Read the book yourself. You won't like what comes after America, I promise you!!!

CNN, the Crescent News Network, has announced that the author of "The Post American World", Fareed Zakaria, is getting his own show to be aired every Sunday on CNN starting tomorrow.

A Muslim, born in India, Zakaria writes off terrorism and suggests that Americans are more likely to drown in their bathtubs than be the victim of a terrorist attack.
He adds that deaths by organized violence is in a downtrend, that Al-Qaeda in Iraq is more anti-Shiite than anti-American, that Al-Qaeda “used to do terrorism, now they make videotapes”, and that such groups along with Iran pose much less of a threat than Germany or Russia did during the 20th century.

He also uses the same crutch that ALL Muslims and Muslim apologists lean on,
"it is increasingly clear that militants and suicide bombers make up a tiny portion of the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims.” he says.
Of course he offers no evidence for this fact nor does he pontificate on the hundreds of thousands of Muslims around the world, including the U.S., who regularly protest against non-Muslims, burn flags and effigies, and carry signs advocating death to non-Muslims.

While acknowledging America is still the most competitive economy in the world, Zakaria goes on to suggest that the solution to America’s woes are MORE immigration, and MORE acceptance of and participation in globalization.

The author, Fareed Zakaria writes in the latest edition of Newsweek, “The world has shifted from anti-Americanism to post-Americanism,” and goes on to describe the ‘rise of the rest’ of the world.

He strongly suggests the world would be much better off WITHOUT the United States of America in it!!!
I believe Obama agrees with him.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


McCain is too Old and Confused to be President. That's the message that Obama supporters are trying to put out and they have a point. After all McCain is clearly old. McCain is an aged 71 while Obama is a spring chicken at the tender age of 46.

Unlike McCain, Obama is not confused and is on the ball all the time.

For example......
Obama knows that there are 57 states in the Union and he's visited every one of them.

Obama knows that 10,000 people died in a Kansas tornado that actually killed only 10 people. Clearly math was never his strong subject.

At Selma, Obama informed us that his parents met four years after he was born and that his Kenyan diplomat father had a flag draped coffin.

Obama knows that Canada's Prime Minister is actually a President

Obama knows they speak Arabic in Afghanistan and that there are poppy fields in Iraq

Obama knows that Matt Lauer is really Tim Russert

Obama knows that his great uncle helped liberate Auschwitz's concentration camp, even though that particular camp was actually liberated by the Soviets.

And Obama had absolutely no idea whatsoever that his home church and the reverend with whom he had a 20 year relationship was a crazy America hating racist.

Hell Obama couldn't even figure out how to use the voting buttons in the Illinois State Senate......

On March 19, 1997, he announced he had fumbled an election-reform vote the day before, on a measure that passed 51 to 6: "I was trying to vote yes on this, and I was recorded as a no," he said. The next day, he acknowledged voting "present" on a key telecommunications vote.

On Nov. 14, 1997, he backed legislation to permit riverboat casinos to operate even when the boats were dockside. Moments after its passage he rose to say, "I'd like to be recorded as a no vote," explaining that he had mistakenly voted for it.

He stood on March 11, 1999, to take back his vote against legislation to end good-behavior credits for certain felons in county jails. "I pressed the wrong button on that," he said.

On Feb. 24, 2000 Obama was the lone dissenter against 57 yeas for a ban on human cloning. "I pressed the wrong button by accident," he said.

In June 2002, Barack Obama angered fellow Democrats in the Illinois Senate when he voted to strip millions of dollars from a child welfare office on Chicago's West Side.
But Obama had a ready explanation: He goofed.
"I was not aware that I had voted no," he said, asking that the record be changed to reflect that he "intended to vote yes."

Maybe Obama was just tired all these years and needed a nap. Let's just hope he manages to figure out how the nuclear button and the intercom button works before he blows up the planet while trying to order some Spanish ham.

But don't worry, when Obama makes a mistake, it's always his staffers who are at fault.
After the media raised questions about a questionnaire that Obama had filled out in 1996, Obama supporter Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wa. said "He didn't fill it out and he did not support those positions then . . . That was a questionnaire filled out in his first state Senate campaign back in 1996, NOT by Senator Obama but by somebody on his staff that didn't get it cleared."

Well that sort of thing can happen once or twice, right? But over and over again???
Oh well what can you expect from a guy who doesn't even know what letters he's writing or for whom?

In a March 2008 interview with the Chicago Sun-Times to answer questions about Tony Rezko, Obama was asked about the fact that he had told the newspaper in November 2006 that he had never been asked to do anything to advance Rezko's business interests.
BUT the Sun-Times had already learned about an October 28, 1998 letter Obama wrote to city and state housing officials on behalf of a housing project for seniors that Rezko was working on.

Obama responded: "I wasn't even aware that we wrote the letter. The answer that I gave at the time was accurate as far as I knew...This was one of many form letters, or letters of recommendation we would send out constantly for all sorts of projects. And I wasn’t a decision maker in any of this process."

Who does the buck stop with???
Not with Barack Obama who barely even knows when he's writing a letter in support of building a senior center on a toxic chemical spill waste site for the guy closely tied to his law firm who raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for him.
I mean whatdaya expect anyway? He's not a decision maker.

But with all of Obama's confusion and his ignorance of how many states there are and his constant inability to keep his staff from fooling him, maybe it is really Obama who is just too old and confused to be President.

At 46 isn't it time for Barack Obama who has had a dignified record of pressing the wrong buttons in the Illinois Senate and a hundred days or so in the US Senate voting Present (instead of yea or nea) on many major issues, to be put out to pasture and retire so he can finally enjoy the good life?

Far be it from me to mock Obama's premature senility but it would seem that his age and mental confusion makes the Presidency a too high pressure job for someone with his fragile memory and awareness.

Excerpt from Sultan Knish

Monday, May 26, 2008


The Russian communist party issued a statement saying that the new
Indiana Jones movie means to provoke a new cold war!!


Well I know now that I will certainly go see this movie in order to do my part
to make sure it's a blockbuster hit in order to piss off the commies.
I mean if it's gonna cause a cold war it should at least be a huge success!!!

I encourage all of you to do the same.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

WE REMEMBER...................

Those who have laid down their lives so that we can remain free!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Tues - Oil $127 a barrel
Wed - Oil $133 a barrel
Thurs - Oil $135 a barrel

In the last 5 days oil prices have gone up $11
I wonder what tomorrow will bring!!!

Gas prices are going up an average of 1 cent per day, which may not seem like much, but think of it this way, 1 cent per day for 1 year and we will be paying between $7 - $8 a gallon this time next year!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008


The oh-so-holy Democrats have done it yet again!!!

Feinstein and Craig attached an amnesty bill to the new Iraq spending bill.
This new amnesty measure provides ZERO border security and would give amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.

Slipping amnesty into a bill directed at funding our troops is absolutely despicable!!!
They hid it in a troop spending bill, passed it late at night, with NO public debate, and they still want us to believe that "we the people" are in charge of our own fate???

The bill will go to the Senate for a vote soon, maybe this week.

Those who vote against this bill will be labeled as anti-troops, when in fact they are simply anti-amnesty!!!
If this bill is not passed because of the dirty tricks of the democrats....the U.S. military will suffer!!!

I am disgusted!!!!
In other news, the U.S. soldier who recently shot the Qur'an....has been forced to apologize and has been shipped home, and according to the military "he will be disciplined".
I think that's outragious!!!
However as usual this is not good enough for the muzzies.
The Iraqis are demanding that he recieve the "stiffest punishment possible" (death) and said the incident was an aggression against the entire muzzie world!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I have often talked about how I believe we are on the cusp of world changing events.
Some have made a little fun of me, which I don't really mind because it is better to laugh than cry.

But I am not the only one who feels the coming of the great fall......
Even governments are preparing.....

Recently the government of Norway opened a vault in antartica to... "store, protect, and preserve MILLIONS of seeds from all over the world just incase of a global catastrophy".

It has also been reported (although they are trying to keep it quiet) that the Norwegian government is building quite a few underground shelters that when done will hold approx 2 million people.
When confronted about this and asked why they are building these shelters, they simply reply..."just incase anything happens"
When asked when they hope to be finished building all the shelters they reply..."by 2012".

Wow I wonder why they would need to be finished by 2012.
Very strange indeed.

BTW, the population of Norway is almost 5 million people so apparently if anything "happens" they have no intention of saving all their people.
I guess the spots will be reserved for the "special people" like politicians, doctors, scientists, girls of good breeding age, etc.... and fuck the rest!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


There are some shady things going on in our democracy, we all know this.

But here are a couple of things that I would like to vent a bit about!!!

#1 - The democratic party has what they call "super delegates".
Special people chosen who the hell knows because they serve absolutely no real purpose that I can see anyway.

The thing that pisses me off though is the fact that our nation considers everyone equal, and in an equal election that means..."one man (woman), one vote",

But with these super delegates...They get their "citizen vote" when their home states have the primary....and then they get a second vote with their super delegate vote.
So some citizens are held above the rest of us!!!

#2 - speaking of super creepy little man (how he got to be a super delegate I will never know) has publically announced that he will sell his vote to the Democratic candidate who will cough up $20 million dollars.
The money to be used to register Mexicans to vote.
This vile little fucker says that if neither one complies with his demand then he will simply withhold his vote and not use it on either one of them.

What really pisses me off is that, I thought buying votes was illegal, as well as extortion...but apparently it is ok in this case because law enforcement has not showed up at this miserable little twats house yet.

BTW, both Clinton and Obama have said they will NOT respond to his offer.

Friday, May 16, 2008


This beautiful 17th century wooden sculpture in a church in Belgiun is now being gaurded by police after muzzies threaten to destroy it!!!

The sculpted wooden pulpit, made by Mattheus van Beveren, depicts a man subdued by angels and represents the triumph of Christianity over Islam.

The man is generally thought to be Mohammed and he is holding a book which is generally assumed to be the Qur'an.

Last Friday the Turkish newspaper Yeniçag printed this picture on its front page with the caption.....
“Stop this hideous insult.”

The newspaper demands that Belgium remove the pulpit. The paper writes that “We have had the crusades and now they are still trying to humiliate us. This is as bad as the Danish cartoons and Geert Wilders’s Fitna movie in the Netherlands. Even Pope Benedict does nothing to stop these humiliations.”

Since the newspaper article appeared there have been many threats made (Belgium has a large population of Turkish immigrants) and authorities fear that the pulpit and the church may be attacked.
The Belgian press reports that police are guarding Dendermonde’s Our Lady church to prevent vandalism to the church and the pulpit.

And the maddness continues!!!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


China, who produces some of the crappiest products on the face of the earth, has decided to expand their crappiosity.

They are starting a company to build jumbo jets.

Do they actually expect people to fly thousands of feet above the earth in something they made???
I tell you what, when America decides to buy airliners from China because they are cheaper...I will NEVER EVER fly again!!!

On a side note by still under the heading of OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!

Mr. Olofson, whom I wrote about on May 9th, has been sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison.
Incase you don't remember the story, he was the one who owned an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle that malfunctioned causing 2 multi-round bursts of fire.
He was convicted for having a "machine gun"
BUT the AR-15 is a legal weapon in the U.S. and is NOT an automatic weapon (machine gun), but apparently that didn't matter to the ATF or to the court.

Imagine going to prison because your gun malfunctions!!!
The case is of course being appealed!!

It should be noted that the law states that a gun, even if it contains M-16 parts, is NOT considered a machine gun UNLESS the gun has an "auto-seer".
Mr. Olofson's gun did NOT have an auto-seer.

So you tell me what the fuck is going on in this country!!!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The U.S. government, this week, announced that it is "shocked" by the rising level of violence against Mexican law enforcement by the drug cartels.


In the last 1 1/2 years since Calderon became Mexico's president his "war against drugs" has left over 3,000 dead.

The U.S. State Department is renewing efforts to release over $1 BILLION to the government of Mexico in order to fight the "war on drugs".
Opponents say that as long as the U.S./Mexican border remains wide open there is very little chance of even slowing the flow of drugs across the border.

It should be noted that Mexican drug cartels ship $25-35 billion worth of Meth, pot, heroin,and exstasy across into the U.S. EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!

This is why I always place " " around the phrase "war on drugs"
It is obviously a huge farce!!!!

In the decades that we have spent fighting this "war on drugs" the problem has only gotten bigger.....ABSOLUTELY no progress whatsoever has EVER been made, Infact the problem has increased a hundred fold.
Yet we still keep throwing them billions of dollars every year to "fight this drug war", even when our own economy is on a fast slide into the shitter!

Frankly I am shocked at the absolute stupidity of the U.S. government!!!
And pissed beyond belief too!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Some people just don't deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us and I am going to tell you why.

Here in Vegas, on Mother's Day no less, a newborn baby boy was found dead in a bathroom trash can at the Excaliber hotel/casino.
The poor little thing had been wrapped in a pillow case and stuffed into a hotel gift bag and then simply thrown away as nothing more than a piece of garbage!!!

To add insult to injury here in Vegas, like many cities in America, we have a program where anyone who doesn't want their baby can simply drop it off at any fire department, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
So there is absolutely no reason to do this...well actually there is NO reason or excuse good enough whatsoever to do this kind of thing EVER!!!

To have some scumbag piece of shit good for nothing woman do this...well I can't even express the raging anger that I feel!!!

2 years ago a newborn baby girl was found dead in a trash dumpster at the Mirage hotel/casino. The mother of that baby turned out to be a 16 year old girl who was visiting Vegas with her parents. The police did track her down!!

I would almost bet that this latest incident will lead straight to a stupid teenage girl also.

Stupid fucking teenagers think they're old enough to fuck but they sure ain't old enough to accept the consequences that can bring.

I have said it before and I will say it again....I HATE TEENAGERS!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008


Life is not the number of breaths we take, but rather the moments that take our breath away!!!

Have you ever seen anything that has taken your breath away??
Tell us about it.

Friday, May 9, 2008


Sometimes we just need to set aside the bullshit and focus on something that's actually important to our way of life and the future we want our children to enjoy!!!
On that note, I would like to convey some information to you.

The 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution guarantess we citizens the right to keep and bare arms.
These Constitutional rights are things that CAN NOT be taken away from us EVER!!!
So why the following???..............

David Olofson, married man and father of 3, living in a small Wisconsin town.
He served his nation in the Army, was honorably discharged, and then joined the Army reserves.
He was a model citizen and a pillar of his community and had an absolutely spotless record.
As a hobby he enjoyed collecting guns and spending time at the local shooting range.
Ok, you with me so far??

One day Mr. Olofson lent an old AR-15 rifle to a young neighbor and took him to the shooting range. By all accounts the young man fired hundreds of rounds (at least 800) on several different occasions with no problems at all, but then the rifle produced 2 multi-round bursts of fire and jammed one day.
Well thats all it took!!!!

The shooting range notified the ATF of the incident and the ATF went after Mr. Olofson.
The ATF and S.W.A.T. teams swarmed his house in full battle gear, not even bothering to knock on the man's front door but instead broke down the door and burst in with guns raised, ready to shoot! They never even bothered to show this man a warrant.
Mr. Olofson explained to them that the rifle was 20 years old and had simply malfuctioned and needed to be repaired. It most definately was NOT a machine gun.
The ATF did not seem to like this story and they forged ahead seizing all the man's guns, his computer, and even his gun owner's manuals.
BTW, absolutely nothing illegal was found at Mr. Olofson's home.

Still not satified, the ATF (a branch of the US government) slapped Mr. Olofson with federal weapons charges (having a "machine gun").

The ATF themselves preformed testing on the rifle in question and the results were that the rifle was indeed NOT a machine gun...however since they did not find any malfunction they decided to go ahead with the charges anyway.

A second ATF test of the gun did result in them finding the malfunction....a fairly common malfuction called the "hammer follow",
But they still refused to drop the charges!!!

Infact the makers of this particular AR-15 rifle (Olympic Arms SGW) had much earlier notified authorities of a malfunction in the weapon which could cause multiple burst firing at times.
The company had even issued a recall on the AR-15 rifles.

Even though the ATF's own tests proved the rifle was definately NOT a machine gun, and that the gun definately DID have a malfunction.... the U.S. government said that the strict interpretation of the law states that the malfunction DOES make the rifle a machine gun and therefore they were goning to continue the prosecution of Mr. Olofson.

So Mr. Olofson was charged, and convicted Jan 8th this year on felony gun charges (transporting a "machine gun") and could receive up to 6 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
He has already had his military pension taken away and was forced to leave the Army reserves.

We see these things creeping in on us more and more as time goes by and we have sat quietly by, so far anyway, and just let it happen!!
The 1st amendment has been under full assault for years.
We can't say certain words anymore or we will be charged with hate crimes.
We are being gagged more and more under the banner of political correctness!!!

Now it's the second amendment. The government has been trying to curb our gun rights for years..but this is a new low even for them!!!

Even if you hate guns and have never owned one, this SHOULD concern you very much. YOUR Constitution is being shredded along with your rights.
What shall you do about that????

These AR-15 rifles are sold legally in the U.S. and tens of thousands of people own this particular type of rifle.
Gun owners are now wondering..... if their guns misfire, will they go to prison?

Mr. Olofson was to be sentenced this week, but due to some last minute motions by his attorneys that has been postponed.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Cyclone (hurricane) hits Myanmar (Burma)
Crappy government didn't warn it's people that the storm was coming even though they had been notified well in advance by multiple sources.
23,000 confirmed dead
42,000 missing
Estimates say 100,000 dead before this is over.
Water supplies cut off or contaminated
Food in very short supply
Crappy government slowing or even stopping, in the case of the U.S., the delivery of aide.
Gas being sold for over $10 a gallon in some places
95% of ALL the buildings in the delta region completely destroyed
2,000 square miles still underwater
At least 1 MILLION people left homeless
and the crappy government, who has made of habit of being very visible and in everybody's business, is now pretty much absent from their people
and quiet - except for when they are refusing humanitarian aide of course.
As of this moment they have allowed only one plane to fly in, it was a UN world food program plane carrying 7,000 pounds of biscuits.......
Oh yeah!!! they gonna eat good tonight!!!!

Absolute and utter devastation!!!

Does this sound like one of those "catastrophies"???
9-11 - almost 3,000 dead
The tsunami - at least 230,000 dead
Katrina - 1,836 dead
and now this....
Sure has been alot of them there "catastrophies" going on in the last few years!!!
What say you Chicken Little?

Monday, May 5, 2008


Very interesting theory that flys in the face of the pangea theory.

10 minutes long

Friday, May 2, 2008


It began in the late 1990's as a program to predict possible stock futures.
This program uses independent mini programs, called spiders or agents, to comb
the internet for hints of future financial news.
The concept behind the web-bots is that massive scans of language will reveal a direct connection to the collective conscious and a hint of the future.
A window into the universal subconscious mind if you will.

It's track record so far has been impressive.
In August 2004 it predicted earthquakes, water rising, 300,000 dead,..... and
4 months later....the tsunami hit Indonesia.
It fortold the Anthrax attacks in Washington DC in 2001,
the massive East Coast power outages of 2003,
and the destruction of hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Keep in mind....all of these things were predicted by the program BEFORE they occurred!!!

It has also made more predictions of things yet to come!!!
According to the web-bots there will be some type of limited nuclear war in the 2008-2009 time frame.
The web-bots also say that a series of catastrophies will reach their peak in the
year 2012.

OMG!!!!...There's that 2012 date AGAIN!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Exxon-Mobile released their profit earnings for the first 3 months of this year.
They made $10.89 BILLION IN PROFITS!!!
That equals almost $120 MILLION in profits EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!

This is the 2nd highest quarterly corporate profit ever recorded in the history of the world!!!
The very highest quarterly corporate profit ever in the world??
Also came from Exxon-Mobile.... Big surprise right!!!

And last year Exxon-Mobile raked in a total of $48 BILLION in PROFITS for the fiscal year of 2007. Also a world record in corporate profits!!!
I think they will break their own record this year!!!

Now remember Exxon-Mobile is just one of MANY oil companies around the globe and they are all literally swimming in cash profits!!!
Now you know what you're REALLY paying for when you pull up to the pump!!!
In a related story of how we are being completely screwed!!!

While food prices soar in the U.S. and we worry about feeding our families, President Bush is asking Congress to approve a $770 MILLION dollar emergency food aide package to help feed the poor in other parts of the world, mostly Africa.
This is on top of the $200 MILLION asked for just 2 weeks ago.
That is almost $1 BILLION dollars!!!

You, on the other hand, don't matter at all.
So fuck off and go hungry Americans!!!