Monday, May 5, 2008


Very interesting theory that flys in the face of the pangea theory.

10 minutes long


Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly I cannot watch many videos on my computer and in no way could I watch one that is 10 minutes long. My computer crashes often and videos hose the computer up really bad. This sucks. Anyway, I am curious about this, can you tell me what it says about Earth growing in a nutshell?

Anonymous said...

Hello I just wanted to stop by and say hello, I miss all you guys and sure wish yahoo would return to what it was.
Hope all is well with everyone and that you are keeping up the good fight.

Islam is a danger to Women, Children, and all Living things

loki said...

Anon 2:31,

The pangea theory basically says the techtonic plates simply shifted around and this caused the split of Pangea into the continents we know today.

This new theory says that the one continent "PANGEA" was pulled apart by the expanding size of the earth.
Of course this was a very slow process like everything else in the universe.
I found it interesting and just thought I would share.

loki said...

Hey Lowglow!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the earth never expanded due to it's NOT a gas planet. this theory is such crap and notice how it doesn't explain where our water came from. Was our extremely hot planet when it first formed out of rock just have water underneath the top mantle. And as it separated, the water was just there. Some people have an extremely vivid imagination.

LOKI - Nana said...

lol yeah and some people are not open to the possibilties.