Monday, June 30, 2008


Yes, yes...I know...I can already hear you grumbling but I promise if you read on you WILL say WOW!!!
So open your minds and be fascinated!!!
The further you read the more "WOW" you get lol

The fossil records show that many species of both plant and animal were once many times larger than they are is believed by some scientists that atmospheric conditions account for that.
The theory goes....atmospheric conditions allow for "optimal genetic expression" which means..the best that the organism has within its DNA is expressed because of favorable atmospheric conditions.
So were environmental conditions more condusive to giant growth in the distant past??
The fossil records say the answer is definately YES.

Today the atmospheric conditions simply will not allow for the large growth that was found in the past....for instance....prior to the great flood we had a thicker ozone layer. After the great flood the ozone layer thinned out to 1/7th of it original thickness which means less protection from the ionizing radiation from space.

Elephants who today have an 8 or 9 foot stature, once had a 16 to 20 foot stature.
Insects, such as the dragonfly, today have about a 3 inch wing span but the fossil records show that its counterpart had up to a 5 foot wing span.
EVERYTHING was larger in the why not humans too???

MANY past civilizations all over the world believed in giants.

Even the Bible talks of giants in several places including Genesis, Numbers, Deuteronomy, etc......and the Bible is where we should start because after all we Christians do believe in the Bible right???

Genesis 6:4......."There were GIANTS in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God (angels) came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown".

And remember David and Goliath?
1 Samuel 17: 1-51.... Goliath of Gath (a philistine) was said to be 9 feet tall, and one of 5 brothers, all of whom were "giants"

Deuteronomy 3:11...... "For only Og king of Basham remained of the remnants of Rephaim....." (Rephaim is the hebrew word for Giants)

2 Samuel 21:20......"And there was a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand 6 fingers, and on every foot 6 toes, four and twenty in number and he also was born to the GIANT".

In the Bible the hebrew word for "sons of God" is Beni ha elhim.
The offspring of the "beni he elhim" are called Nephilim and the bible states these Nephilim became the rulers of the earth.
In Hebrew Nephilim means "the fallen ones" or "they who came down"
The Nephalim then mixed their seed with more humans, and so on, which caused the whole earth to become riddled with evil and so God flooded the earth in order to rid the world of all these offspring.
Only Noah was saved because his line was free from Nephalim (giant) blood.....his bloodline is documented in the book of Genesis all the way back to Adam.

Genesis 6:9......"These are the generations of Noah, Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God"

2 Peter 2:4-5....." For God did not spare the angels that SINNED, but cast them down to Tarturus (hell) and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgement, and spared not the old world, but saved Noah..."

What is this "sin" Peter refers to in regards to the angels??

Jude 1:6........"And to the angels which kept NOT to their first estate, but LEFT their own habitation, he (God) hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto judgement of the great day.
(These would be the fallen angels we have heard about all our lives).

Angels who left their own habitation??...was changing of habitation the real sin??
or was it something else??
Was the real sin the fact that these fallen angels (Satan and his menions) had left heaven, come to earth, and bred with human women???
Well according to Genesis that is exactly what happened.

Jesus himself even stated that God planted seed (human DNA) and Satan mixed weeds (his seed) into that seed.
Daniel 2:43...."....they shall mingle themselves with the seed (DNA) of men...."

A funny little side fact here...........In the book of Joshua...the geographical areas that Joshua failed to rid of these Nephelim (giants) tribes, are the very same geographical areas of the middle east that are still in dispute today.
Hummmmm Most of us believe muzzies are worshipping Satan and perhaps this is why......their seed (DNA )has been forever contaminated with the seed of Satan and his fallen angels. Satan is known as the "great deceiver" you know, so he could have convinced the ancients of anything.

Many past civilizations, all over the world, also believe their creation stemmed from beings who came from the heavens.

here are just a few................

Ancient indian tribes of North America believed in giants
In the Ohio area, the Ronnongwetowanca tribe were said to be giants, and after a time the other people, who had to endure the brutal outrages of these giants, banded together into a force of about 800 warriors and annihilated the Ronnongwetowanca.
This was supposed to have happened about 2,500 years before Columbus discovered America.

Hopi indians believe that "sky gods" came to the earth and bred with their women, and refer to them as their snake brothers.

Ancient Mayan indians believed that a race of giants lived on the earth before the great flood......yes they too talked of a great flood BEFORE Christianity ever came around to tell them about it.

The ancient Greeks also told of the Titans (GIANT gods)
In ancient Greece demigods such as Hercules and Dionysis were said to be the products of the mating of a "god" and a human woman.

The ancient Sumerians told of the "Anunnaki" who had come from the heavens to rule over earth......Anunnaki literally means "those who from heaven to earth came".
Written over 6000 years ago the Sumerian legend goes........
The Anunnaki came from the 10th planet "Nibiru", yes I know we only know of 9 planets, BUT given the accuracy of the Sumerian knowledge about the other 9 planets, the asteroids, comets, and distant stars some 6000 years ago, there is little reason to believe that they were mistaken about a 10th planet in our solar system, which by the way scientists now say DOES exist and NASA has named it "Eris".

The term "Nibiru" which comes from the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and writings means "Planet of the crossing".

Note the solar system depicted in the ancient Sumerian artwork below, and remember this was done some 6000 years ago.
Where did the Sumerians get this knowledge from???
Also note that if the man seated were to stand up he would be very much taller then the other 2 men.

This Eris, formerly known as "planet X" was discovered and photographed by NASA in 1983 and it has been calculated by NASA that it could be 3 or 4 times bigger than Jupiter. NASA is presently in Antartica watching it.
It is said that even the Vatican is sending up a satellite to check it out...kind of strange huh!!!
see the photo below.

Anyway back to the Sumerian legend... the Anunnaki were said to be a belligerent and conquering race. They were fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They were also carnivorous and often cannibalistic.
They demanded human sacrifices of virgins from those they had conquered and from their own kind whom they enslaved.
****If you imagine the worst characteristics you can conceive in Satan, you have well concocted an impression of the Anunnaki.
These Anunnaki were said to be "GIANTS" between 8 and 15 feet tall, many with 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot.
hummmm sound familiar??.....(2 Samuel 21:20)

The Sumerians believed that the Anunnaki had came to earth to mine for gold and other natural resources in order to repair the atmosphere of their own planet...of course they didn't want to get there own hands dirty so the legend says they genetically engineered primitive man (the missing link maybe??), gave us technologies, and forced us to serve as slaves for their mission.

It should be remembered here that back then man WAS very primitive but seemingly overnight gained vast technology and started building giant monuments all over the world. Things we still can not duplicate even today.
How did they gain such knowledge and why build so big???

Some of the Anunnaki mated with human women and their offspring were called the Nephilim which means "they who came down", and these Nephilim were said to be giants who ruled the earth and were completely out of control.
again sound familiar?? (Genesis 6:4)
Could the Anunnaki really be the fallen angels???

At some point the Anunnaki decided to destroy their offspring in a great flood.....not all were destroyed though according to this legend.
A great flood?? where have I heard that story before?? oh yes, in Genesis of course!!!
When the Anunnaki left Earth, the legend says that some stayed behind in order to continue their rule over the earth until the others returned.
The legend says that every 3,600 years when their planet comes close to ours they come back to Earth and "check in" to see how we are doing and to give us more new technologies.
If all this were true then the eliptical orbit of Planet X/Eris (Nibiru) would explain why there are 3,600 years between "visits", and why "planet of the crossing" (Nibiru) is an appropriate name.

Could the Sumerians have been fooled into thinking that Satan and his fallen angels were really aliens from another planet???
Satan is the "great deceiver" afterall.
Or when Nibiru's orbit brings it around this way again are we all going to be in for a very big surprise???

I find the similarities and implications of all this quite interesting!!!
I am not saying it's true but it IS fascinating!!!
And all of this would certainly go a long way in explaining the MANY unexplained mysteries of our ancient past.

Just one more little is said that Eris (Nibiru) will be at it's closest orbit to Earth in the year 2012.

That date just keeps popping up doesn't it!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes that he is a man on a divine mission

3 minutes, 37 seconds long

This is really a must see if you wish to understand why there can be no negotiating with this madman!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Modern skeptics are constantly attacking the Bible.
They say parts of the Bible have been lost altered or corrupted over time.
They say the Bible we have in our hands today is vastly different from the original one 2000 years ago.
BUT the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed the accuracy of our modern Bibles and muzzled the skeptics, except for the muzzies of course.

The dead Sea Scrolls which were written about 100 BC, and discovered only 50 years ago, contained copies of and quotations from many Old Testament books and prove that the Torah (old test.)that Jesus used, is identical the Torah (old test) used today.

Also there is more abundant and accurate manuscript evidence for the New Testament than for any other book from the ancient world.
The New Testament counts 76 papyri, 250 uncials, 2,646 minuscules, and 1,997 lectionary manuscripts. This would total 4,969.
No other book from antiquity possesses anything like this abundance in manuscripts.

Today, so many Bible cities, names and events have been unearthed, through archeology that the Bible is considered the single most important historical document in existence. MANY lost cities have been located using the Bible as a road map.

One scholar has noted that the unity found in the Bible is vastly superior to the sacred writings of all other world religions, including Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Bahai, and Islam.
Anyone who has ever studied these writings must admit they are jumbles of disjointed material, without order, continuity or unity of any kind.
The 66 books of the Bible on the other hand, weave a unified message from Genesis to Revelation.

The Bible can stand on its own
Unlike the Bible however, the qu'ran is not at all sufficient by itself, but needs also the Hadiths.

The Qur'an declares, that not only did God send the book to Moses (Old test), He also sent the Gospel of Jesus (New test).
These two books, together are stated to be a "guide to mankind."

The Qur'an declares that Muzzies are to believe in all of the writings of the prophets, both the Old and New Testament!
This is an important principle to lay down.
Muslims ARE supposed to believe the Bible!

Surah 2:136 Says
"We believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes (the would be the 12 tribes of Isreal), and that given to Moses and Jesus and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord, we make NO difference between one and another of them, and we bow to God.

By the same token, nothing is said in any of the hadiths about the Injil (Gospels) being insufficient simply because it is not recorded in the language of Isa. (Jesus).

So if Muhammad, their claimed prophet of Allah, did not refuse the book of the Christians because it was not in Aramaic, then Muzzies today have no ground to do so either.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


As the Massachusetts State Legislature debates "Jessica's Law" -- named after Jessica Lunsford who was raped and murdered in Florida by a repeat sex offender a few years ago -- one DEMOCRATIC state representative, who is also a defense attorney, and is against the law, has expressed his feelings in a simply unimaginable and grotesque way!!!

The representative, one James Fagan, said he would..........

"rip apart” 6-year-old victims on the witness stand and “make sure the rest of their life is ruined."

In a fiery soliloquy on the House floor, Fagan said he’d grill victims so that,
"when they’re 8 years old, they throw up; when they’re 12 years old, they won’t sleep; when they’re 19 years old, they’ll have nightmares and they’ll never have a relationship with anybody."

Fagan also called Jessica’s Law "knee-jerk" legislation and said “every time the Legislature has named a law after somebody, it has been a failure.”

Yeah Mr. Fagan you're right, I mean not nearly enough little girls and boys have been raped and murdered yet have they!!!
So what the hell is everyone so upset about!!!
I just don't know what these silly parents are thinking when they try to protect their children. Just let the perverts have them, right Mr. Fagan???


This monster has been a Mass. state representative since 1993.
Re-elected over and over by the citizens of Massachusetts.

IF you think this is completely unacceptable maybe you should let Mr. Fagan know how you feel.


Or if you would like to make it a little more personal how about giving him a call.
I am sure he would love to hear from you.

Telephone: 617-722-2040 - or - 508-824-7000

Just so you know...
Jessica’s Law, would require a 20-year prison sentence for the rape of a child under the age of 12.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Rather than admit that the "perfect qu'ran" makes huge historical blunders, muzzies merely re-write history and say that in spite of the universal record of history, archeology, and science, THEIR OWN version is the correct one.

#1 - The Qu'ran makes a huge historical error in sura 20:85,87,95, in saying the Samaritans were the ones who enticed Israel to make the golden calf when Moses was receiving the ten commandments on Mt. Sinai.
The Samaritans didn't come into existence as a nation until 800 years later.

*** The word Samaria, sounds similar to the Arabic word "Samara", which simply means "a stranger" yet several versions of the qu'ran actually use the word Samaritan.

#2 - Muzzies reject the doctrine of the inherited sin of Adam, but teach the Immaculate Conception of Mary. It hasn't dawned upon them, that if you reject inherited sin, the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception is not needed because all men are born without sin.

#3 - Muzzies may be surprised to learn that, contrary to popular belief, the qu'ran NEVER charges the Bible with textual corruption.
The Qu'ran declares the Bible to be a true revelation of God and demands faith in the Bible.
Sura 2:40-42,126,136,285; 3:3,71,93; 4:47,136; 5:47-51, 69,71-72; 6:91; 10:37,94; 21:7; 29:45,46; 35:31; 46:11)
***It may also surprise Muzzies that historically, the first Muslim to trash the Bible was Ibn-Khazem, in 1064 AD. This charge was to defend Islam against Christianity because Ibn-Khazem come upon differences and contradiction between the Bible and the Quran and had to find a way to explain them.

#4 - Contrary to Muzzie claims, the word "Allah" is NEVER found in the Bible in either Hebrew and Greek.
The closest two words we find are........
the Hebrew "alah" which means to curse, mourn or rise, and is never applied to God
and the Hebrew word "Elah" which translates to either oak or turpentine tree.

#5 - Crucifixion in Egypt is one of the paramount examples of a historical error in the qu'ran. Although crucifixion did not exist any earlier that about 500 BC, the qu'ran has passages that speak of crucifixion as early as 1900 BC.

***Enclyclopedia Britannica reports that the first historical record of Crucifixion was about 519 BC when "Darius I, king of Persia, crucified 3,000 political opponents in Babylon".
Although Muzzie apologists attempted to talk their way out of Mary being called a brother of Aaron, or Samaritans existing at the time of Moses, here they just throw in the towel without a fight and proclaim simply that world history is wrong.

These are just a few examples of historical qu'ranic errors, and since the qu'ran is proclaimed to have been written by God himself.... if ANY errors are found at all it proves the entire Islamic religious belief system is complete bullshit!!!

As any of us who actually use our brains already know.

Sunday, June 22, 2008



1 minute, 55 seconds long

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Obama, whose arrogance is apparently getting the better of him these days, revealed a new rather presidential looking seal yesterday.

Here you can compare them for yourself..........

Click on photo to enlarge it.

The problem with this, other than the absolutely smug arrogance of course, is the fact that there is a law (18 USC 708) against using the presidential seal, or any facsimile thereof, without the express consent of Congress, and one can get a fine of $250 or 6 months in prison, or both, for doing so.
This law has been in effect since 1936. I guess the Senator is not up on his laws.

Even when the 1st Bush was running for re-election, he tried using the presidential seal on the campaign trail and was made to stop because of this law. And he WAS actually the president at the time.

I guess Obama #1- thinks he has this election in the bag, and #2- thinks he can just do any damn thing he pleases along the way.

Note the latin above the eagle on Obama's seal
"vero possumus" which translates as, "yes we can"

I wonder if anyone in law enforcement will make him stop using his new "seal"
My guess is that they will not because if they do they just might be accused of picking on the black man!!!

GOD this fucker makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The presidential seal is used as a presidential insignia on White House documents, objects, and staff clothing.
A copy in plaster or papier-mache always adorns the lecterns from which the President makes public addresses.

Yesterday Obama placed his new "seal" on the lecturn from which he made a public address. Apparently he truely does believe he is already the 44th President of these United States.
What other group of people do we know who so openly express such delusional arrogance???
Obama is more like his muzzie daddy than he knows!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008


This is a picture of Obama with his good buddy Raila Odinga!!!

Raila Odinga of kenya is attempting a second coup there (his first attempt in 1982 failed), and he is using the violence as a trump card towards his success by gaining public sympathy.

Odinga is duping the international media into thinking that he and his lou people are the true victims of all the bloodshed.... but the reality is something entirely different.
Very similar to the strategy that Hezbollah and Hamas play when they shoot missiles at Isreal from civilian neighborhoods, and then gain public sympathy when Israel bombs that civilian neighborhood in retalliation, Odinga's lou wreak havoc and then cry foul when the other side fights back.

Obama's ties to Kenya run deep. That's where his daddy is from, and Obama knows the political landscape.
So why would he back such a violent, dangerous man as Odinga, who along with everything else has made a pact with the Muslims to institute sharia law???
Because Odinga and Obama are both Luo (the third largest ethnic group in Kenya),

Now Odinga is not Muslim himself and claims to be a practicing Anglican.
Only a minority of Luo are Muslim (most are Christian).
Kenya on the whole is Christian with only 10% being muslim,
so why would Odinga promise to institute sharia law???
Maybe because he likes the violent, bloody, dictatorship stranglehold that Sharia law provides.

Obama's bias for his fellow Luo was so blatant that a Kenya government spokesman denounced Obama during his visit as Odinga's "stooge."

Obama has had near-daily conversations with the U.S. Ambassador in Kenya or with opposition leader Raila Odinga.
Obama even campaigned for Odinga while in Kenya.
Odinga and his American counterpart and strategist Obama both campaigned on the canard of "change".
Obama has been in Nairobi politicing more recently than he has been to Iraq.

Raila Odinga has said that he has a "close personal friendship" with Barrack Hussein Obama Junior.
Mr Odinga has said that he is a cousin of Mr Obama's, although the Senator's representatives deny that the two men are related.

The Kenyan press had warned the public that some people were buying large quantities of machetes from supermarkets prior to the elections.
Bishop Cornelius Korir of Eldoret confirms the killings were organized and planned.
It is believed Odinga and his ODM Pentagon members had planned it all, long before the elections.
Hundreds of women and children, including boys as young as five, have been gang-raped in a wave of sexual violence that has swept Kenya in the aftermath of the disputed presidential election.
In Oginga's strongholds anyone who voted against his party is being killed.

When Obama went to Kenya in August of 2006, he was hosted by Odinga and spoke in praise of him at rallies in Nairobi.
So why would Obama now pretend that he doesn't know him?
These days Obama is playing deaf, dumb, and blind because he knows this is one very dangerous allegiance.

The Kenyan-American U.S. presidential candidate Barrack Hussien Obama may now wish to avoid meeting with PM Odinga due to concerns that such contact would be used to stoke rumors intended to wound Senator Obama politically.


Watch the following video of the conflict in Kenya months back.
Listen as the Luo calls itself the "Taleban" in the video.

It's graphic and it's gruesome but this IS who Obama supports.

6 minutes & 9 seconds long

Obama supports the "taleban" of kenya.
Will you actually put him in the White House???

Thursday, June 19, 2008


OPEC has a total of 13 member countries with 9 of them also belonging to the World Trade Organization.

11 U.S. Senators are now pushing Bush to file a complaint with the WTO, against 8 members of OPEC who also belong to the WTO, accusing them of breaking trade rules by colluding to keep global oil supplies down.
Which will keep gas prices up and continue to hurt the U.S. economy and it's people.

Who are these 8 members of OPEC?
Saudi Arabia,
United Arab Emirates.

For some reason Indonesia, who IS also a member of OPEC and the WTO, is not listed in the Senators complaint.

Anyway the Senators also maintain that "the very existence of OPEC" violates the GATT trade agreement which prohibits nations from setting quotas or imposing other restrictions on exports.
A statement from the Senators read..."These eight countries operating as an illegal cartel have refused to increase production, reduced the supply of oil on the market and driven up the gas prices that consumers pay at the pump."

The OPEC members for many years now have gathered periodically to establish production quotas.
Despite the current surge in oil prices, (well over $130 a barrel) and the growing global demand, OPEC members as a group have refused to boost production.

All of the 13 OPEC members are fucking us but only these 8 also belong to the WTO and are therefore subject to the WTO rules!!!

The 4 other OPEC members who do NOT also belong to the WTO are......

These 13 nations are bringing down the world's economy, not just Americas, and we are just sitting by and letting it happen.

If OPEC only accounts for 40% of the world's oil production...then maybe we should deal with the other 60% and fuck OPEC off all together!!!

Here are some oh so fun facts about OPEC.........
(OPEC) earned $673 billion in net oil export revenues in 2007, a 10% increase from 2006.
Saudi Arabia, of course, earned the largest share of these earnings, $194 billion, representing 29% of total OPEC revenues.

Through May of this year, OPEC had earned an estimated $423 billion in net oil export earnings.
Based on projections for the rest of the year OPEC net oil export revenues could be
$1,178 billion in 2008
and $1,214 billion in 2009.

WOW!!!!! keeping the global supply down works well for them doesn't it!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We here in the U.S. have a moratorium against offshore drilling for oil & natural gas in place until June 2012. It has been in effect since 1982.
The only place we are allowed to drill right now is in the gulf region.

The problem is that Cuba is now working with the Chinese to drill for oil in international waters between Florida and Cuba.
A place where we would be already drilling if it were not for this moratorium.

The truth is that countries such as Canada, India, Norway, Vietnam, Venezuela, and Spain are ALREADY exploring for oil AND purchasing leases in Cuban waters, while we continue to prohibit U.S. involvement in these activities.

Does that really make any sense???

Now the environmentally conscious tree hugger in me does not want any offshore drilling to be done, it's bad for the environment and could be potentially castostropic when the next big hurricane rolls around.
And even though environmental safety protocols and procedures are a lot better than they were in 1982, and they have underwater shut off valves which are used when bad weather occurs, these safety measures may dramatically limit oil spills but they will not stop an oil spill completely.

And how much would drilling offshore lessen our dependence on foreign oil anyway???
And would it really lower the price of gas???

The practical side of me, on the other hand, thinks that since it doesn't look like we will get off of the oil anytime soon, we should get the oil that's laying right off our own shores rather than just let the Chinese have it.
And I know that the Chinese will NOT be as strict as we are when it comes to environmental safety protocols. One big hurricane WILL be completely devastating to us if it hits a Chinese offshore oil rig.
We all know this!!!

I also want us off of the oil entirely, or at least less dependent on it, because I am sick an tired of supporting muzzie terrorists with our oil money.

As far as where the Presidential candidates stand on this issue......

McCain, who used to support the moratorium, now says we should drop the restrictions and drill offshore.
Obama wants the moratorium to stay in place, and accuses McCain of being a flip-flopper.

President Bush will ask Congress again today to lift the ban on offshore drilling.

What do you all think???
Good Idea or not???

Over the past 27 years:
Democrats have blocked the development of new sources of petroleum.

They have blocked........
drilling in Anwar.
drilling off the coast of Florida.
drilling off of the east coast.
drilling off of the west coast.
drilling off the Alaskan coast.
the building of new oil refineries.
clean nuclear energy production.
clean coal production.

67% of Americans now support offshore drilling
and 64% believe that it would lower gas prices.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Even the Islamic apologists are finding it harder these days to defend radical Islamic beliefs as simply a few bad guys who have hijacked a nice little religion.

A federal investigation released last week reveals that some Islamic textbooks used here in the U.S. actually are teaching kids that it's ok to kill adulterers and converts from Islam.
The books have been used by the Islamic Saudi Academy, which teaches 900 students in grades K-12 at two campuses in Alexandria and Fairfax. The schools receives much of its funding from the Saudi government.

Last year, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a panel formed by Congress, recommended the schools be shut down out of concern it promoted violence.
In the review, the panel recommended that the school make all of its textbooks available to the State Department so changes can be made before the next school year.

School officials acknowledged that some of the Saudi textbooks contain harsh language. They say the texts have improved and are revised as needed by the academy before being distributed to students.

The commission said the texts did appear to contain numerous revisions, including pages that were removed or passages that were whited out. But numerous troubling passages remained, the panel said. Some of those passages include.

- The authors of a 12th-grade text on Koranic interpretation state that apostates (those who convert from Islam), adulterers and people who murder Muslims can be permissibly killed.

- The authors of a 12th-grade text on monotheism write that "major polytheism makes blood and wealth permissible," meaning that a Muslim can take with impunity the life and property of someone believed guilty of polytheism.
According to the panel, the strict Saudi interpretation of polytheism includes Shiite and Sufi Muslims as well as Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists.

- A social studies text offers the view that Jews were responsible for the split between Sunni and Shiite Muslims: "The cause of the discord: The Jews conspired against Islam and its people. A sly, wicked person who sinfully and deceitfully professed Islam infiltrated (the Muslims)."

More generally, the panel found that the academy textbooks hold the view that the Muslim world was strong when united under a single caliph, the Arabic language, and the Sunni creed.
The textbooks also hold that Muslims have grown weak because of foreign influence and internal divisions.

Monday, June 16, 2008


In Chicago a muzzie has been charged with a hate crime and he along with his three adult sons have been charged with felony aggravated battery and vehicle invasion in an alleged attack on a motorist on June 9th, in which racial epithets were shouted.

The motorist was driving his truck when the muzzie stood in the street blocking the vehicle's path.
The driver honked, but the muzzie refused to move.
The driver then tried to go around him but could not pass, and the muzzie allegedly started to strike him and pelt him with rocks, prosecutors said.

As the driver tried to call 911 from his cell phone, the muzzie yelled out for three of his sons to join him in the street.
They ran out of the apartment where they lived and started to beat the victim, spit on him and throw rocks, prosecutors said.

The muzzie, Alkhazaleh, age 53, says he did not use any hate speech during the incident, and claimed the driver started the fight.
The whole thing started, he said, when the driver
"came up the street and almost hit me."
The two men exchanged words, he said, and the driver called him a "Pakistani [expletive]."
"I'm not even Pakistani," he told prosecutors.

The muzzie called the victim a "blue-eyed devil" and an "American [expletive]" during a physical attack that included throwing rocks and spitting.
according to court documents.
Alkhazaleh has denied using such language and said the incident started when the driver nearly ran him over.

Alkhazaleh and his three sons, Ahmad 20, Ali 23, and Ala 27, appeared in Bond Court last Wednesday in the Cook County Criminal Courts Building.
The father was held in lieu of $60,000 bail,
while Ala, and Ali were held in lieu of $40,000 bail
and Ahmad, was held in lieu of $35,000 bail.

The father and his three sons had returned to their apartment by the time the police had arrived. Witnesses directed police to the family's home and when the officers knocked on the apartment door, a woman answered and said the men were not home, but the officers could hear interior doors closing and locking inside the apartment so they entered and found and arrested all 4 men.

The men are due back in court today for a hearing.


Sunday, June 15, 2008


Louisiana's top election official has launched an investigation into a voter registration drive by the Washington-based "Voting is Power" organization, which is sponsored by the Muslim American Society and was hired by Democrats, after registrars were "flooded" with fake forms, including a couple for a gentleman named George W. Bush.

Secretary of State Jay Dardenne said this past week he already has met with Voting Is Power, which has a stated goal of signing up millions of Muslims to vote in U.S. elections.
He said he's seeking information about the company's methodology and information on why so many voter registration applications turned out to be incomplete, duplicates, or just plain fraudulent.

According to a report from the Associated Press, the Washington-based VIP was hired by national Democrats to register up to 70,000 new voters before this fall's election.

But Dardenne said the organization's drives in Shreveport, Baton Rouge, New Orleans and Jefferson Parish resulted in "piles of sketchy applications" that demanded investigators' time.

It has been a long-running joke amongst pundits that Election Day should be renamed 'Zombie Day' given all the dead people who seemingly rise from the graves and vote,

"Mind you, this is just one of many reasons why states are starting to get more stringent when it comes to voters needing identification before they can vote.
Many people – the majority on the Left (liberal democrats) – have had a tizzy over the enforcement of such laws. Arizona was challenged when they enacted tougher laws regarding voter identification, but that was due to the illegal alien population, and their tendency to vote when they are not legally allowed to do so," said Dardenne.

"We have some very real concerns about the data we are getting from them," Dardenne continued.
Caddo Parish, for example, had George W. Bush as a voter applicant; other cards have been filed for inmates who cannot vote as well as various dead people, Dardenne confirmed.

I wonder why a Muslim organization with links to the Muslim Brotherhood was hired by the Democratic National Party. I wonder why Barack Hussien Obama is the choice of Hamas, and the likes of Moamer Kadhafi the leader of Libya.

It is more important than ever that we vote this year, no matter what illegal game the muzzies and democrats wish to play....they will never have enough votes to pull it off if the rest of us simply take our responsible role in this society and VOTE!!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


It seems the folks in Silicon Valley have genetically altered little bugs so that they feed on agricultural waste such as woodchips or wheat straw, and then shit out crude oil... LMAO.
Unbelievably, this is NOT science fiction.
This picture shows some diesel fuel produced by genetically modified bugs

The company (LS9) claims that this “Oil 2.0” will not only be renewable but also carbon negative – meaning that the carbon it emits will be less than that sucked from the atmosphere by the raw materials from which it is made.

LS9 is one of several companies in or near Silicon Valley that have turned away
from traditional high-tech activities such as software and networking and embarked instead on an extraordinary race to make $140-a-barrel oil from Saudi Arabia obsolete.

LS9 has already convinced one oil industry veteran of its plan:
Bob Walsh, 50, who now serves as the firm’s president after a 26-year career at Shell oil company.
They have also received $20 Million in start-up money from investors interested in this project.

Because crude oil is only a few molecular stages removed from the fatty acids normally excreted by yeast or E. coli during fermentation, it does not take much fiddling to get the desired result.
For fermentation to take place you need raw material, or feedstock. Anything will do as long as it can be broken down into sugars.

LS9’s bugs are single-cell organisms. They start out as industrial yeast or nonpathogenic strains of E. coli, but then LS9 modifies them by custom-de-signing their DNA.

However, we should really not get our hopes up to high just yet because in order to substitute America’s weekly oil consumption of 143 million barrels, you would need a facility that covered about 205 square miles, an area roughly the size of Chicago.

But hey at least someone is thinking about alternatives to muzzie oil!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


The FDA announced today that they may NEVER be able to find the source of the Salmonella tainted tomatoes.
Why you may ask?
Well there are a couple of reasons............

#1 - Although the govermental powers that be are making trade deals at break neck speeds, those same governmental powers have reduced the number of employees and the budget for the FDA.
The FDA is severally under-staffed and under-funded and therefore unable to do a competent job at protecting you and me.

#2 - 5 years ago a law was passed called the "Country Of Origin Labeling" law, which would require that all foods be labeled as to which country they come from.
But in the last few years I have learned that passing a law is a multi-step process.
First you pass the law and then you have to vote AGAIN to provide funding to impliment that law.
The funding for this particular law has NOT been passed, even though 5 years have passed, and therefore the law is not being implemented or enforced.
**Same thing happened with the whole border fence issue, which is why so little of it is being built.

Lobbyists, who outnumber members of congress 77 to 1, have fought hard, and so far won, the battle to stop the country of origin labeling law.

So the FDA is left with no choice but to go around to all the states and countries who we get our tomatoes from and rule them out as the culprits.
This is a very slow and tedious process which quite likely will end up giving them no answers as to where the tainted tomatoes came from.

So far 17 states have been affected by the Salmonella tainted tomatoes.
160+ people have been made sick,
at least 2 dozen of those have had to be hospitalized,
and it has contributed to at least one death.

I am just glad I don't like tomatoes anyway, so I won't miss never eating them again.
A tomato is not worth my life, is it worth yours? of my friends is betting that they came from Mexico
I must say he has reason to be suspicious of them. lol

On a side note..........The government announced today that we can expect $4/gallon gas (or higher) until a least the end of next year (2009).

The national average for a gallon of gas today is $4.02
(which means gas running anywhere from $3.50 to $4.50/gallon)

A friend of mine in California told me she paid $4.49/gallon today.
I, here in Vegas, paid $4.13/gallon yesterday.

Monday, June 9, 2008


We here in the U.S. should pay particular attention to what is going on in Britian
(as well as the rest of Europe) because if our politicians and politically correct media have their way we will soon be exactly where they are today!!!

6 minutes & 6 seconds long

This man absolutely knows what he's talking about when it comes to Islam.

Friday, June 6, 2008


There has been an outcry in Belgium over a proposal to convert little-used churches into mosques.

A senior official in Antwerp argues too many of the city's churches stand empty most of the time and he has put forward suggestions to convert them into mosques to benefit the city's large Muslim population.
Philip Heylen, who is deputy-mayor, says he wants to "break the taboo" over the future of the city's churches, many of which have dwindling and ageing congregations.
He says:
"It's a looming issue yet it seems impossible to have a debate about this, churches were built as places of worship and they should not be used as shopping malls. We've approached various religious groups and had a positive response from members of the Muslim community, which is open to the idea of converting them."
He adds "The proposal would allow Antwerp's Muslims to have a proper place of worship, instead of gathering in garages or private houses, as is often the case now".

But Mr Heylen's comments have sparked opposition.
Many of the city's priests insist that their churches fulfil an important function, even if they attract few worshippers.
The Bishops are angered that they were not even consulted before the proposal was announced.

And one local resident says flatly:
"Frankly we already have more than enough mosques here. We would be better off turning the churches into sports-halls".

Yes, I too would much rather see footballs thrown around in those churches than to see muzzie asses stuck up in the air in them...They can just stay in their fucking garages!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


The most popular weapon in the muzzie arsenal is denial, and they use it fervently!!

We have heard many, many muzzies deny that pedophilia is practiced in Islam. We have heard them at the same time try to explain away Mohamheads own pedophilic practices with lame ass excuses like, "well everyone married young back then" or some other bullshit excuse like that.

I have found that our best weapon against their denial is to simply keep an eye open and let them prove themselves the liars that they truely are time after time after time.

Case in point!............

In Pakistan, the practice of Vanni (exchanging women to settle differences) was outlawed in 2004. (if it was not practiced then why did they have to outlaw it?)
Anyway, because the Pakistani tribal areas pretty much do as they please, the vanni practice continues, and the latest act shows just how sick and perverted these fuckers really are.
And it all started with a dead dog!!!

A dog owned by one tribe, the Chakranis, was shot dead because it strayed too close to another tribe, the Qalandaris.
In revenge the Chakranis shot a donkey belonging to the other side.
A ferocious bout of tit-for-tat killings ensued in which 19 people, including 5 women, were killed.

The fighting ended in 2002 when Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti brought the two tribes together at a jirga, (tribal council) and ordered the Chakranis to hand over 15 child brides (ages 3 to 10) in compensation.
Last Friday they finally agreed to make good on that promise.

The new government, led by the party of the late Benazir Bhutto, has promised to act and says it will not allow young girls to be traded like this.

However, Asma Jahangir, a leading human rights activist, says the tribal areas do not listen to the government and adds the government is unwilling to use its authority to protect women. She says the government will find any excuse not to.

Meanwhile, 15 more little girls, have been betrayed by their own parents and sold into sexual bondage, to sooth the perverse desires of dirty old men who call themselves "men of God"!!!

I wonder how the muzzies will defend this one!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Every year in July, for over a century now, the global elite of the world gather for a 2 week "retreat" at a place called the "Bohemian grove" which is about 80 miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma county.
The Bohemian Grove is 2700 acres of privately owned redwood forest land.
Up to 2000 members attend the "retreat" each year. No women are allowed, even the staff workers are all men.

For the most part the men are all over 50, highly successful, and politically conservative.
Membership is by invitation only, and the waiting list to join is 10-15 years.
Privacy is top on their list and members are not allowed to record, photograph, speak or write about the activities that go on at the "retreat".

It all started over 100 years ago when locals began to spread rumors of bizzare occult rituals being conducted in the ancient redwood groves of northern California.
As the decades past it became clear that these stories had a basis in truth and many reporters attempted to infiltrate the grove but were unsuccessful due to very heavy security.

Before the year 2000 the mainstream media denied that rituals were taking place there and said that the elites of the world were simply meeting there in secret to "have a good time".
However in 2000 a documentary filmmaker named Alex Jones was able to sneak into the grove and managed to film the opening ceremonies, and after the footage aired in Britian and in the US the media changed their tune.

The San Francisco Chronicle published many articles detailing the bizzare activities that were taking place inside the grove.
The New York Post along with many other newspapers wrote about the homosexual activity that went on and reported that a gay porn star, Chad Savage, was "servicing the mogals" at the grove.
Even the New York Times reported on the grove activities.

Unbelievably though the media treated it all as if it were really no big deal, and suggested that we should all just leave them alone, (not really the normal character for the media you must admit), and instead they turned their fury on those who had exposed it all.

Now why would the normally very nosey media NOT be nosey about all of this???

Well lets look at some of the past and present members of the "Bohemian club"
Just to name a few.........................

Theodore Roosevelt - (26th US president)
William H. Taft - (27th US president)
Calvin coolidge - (30th US president)
Harry Truman - (33rd US president)
Dwight D. Eisenhower - (US military general, 34th US president)
Richard Nixon - (37th US president)
Gerald Ford - (38th US president)
Jimmy Carter - (39th US president)
Ronald Reagan - ( actor, governor of Cal, 40th US president)
George Bush Sr -. (41st US president)
Bill Clinton - (42nd US president)
George Bush Jr -. (43rd US president)

Clarence Thomas - (Supreme court justice)
Herbert Hoover - (former director of the FBI)
William Casey - (former CIA director)
John Mccomb - (former CIA director)
Dick Cheney - (US vice-president)
Nelson Rockefeller - (former US vice-president, governor of New York)
Casper Weinburger - (former sec. of defense)
Colin Powell - (Us military general, sec. of state)
David Gergen - (presidential adviser to 4 administrations)
Robert Kennedy - (former US senator)
George Schultz - (US sec. of labor1969, treasury1972, state 1982)
William French Smith - (former US attorney general)
Newt Gingrich - (former Speaker of the house)
Henry Kissinger - (former national security adviser, Sec. of state)
Donald Rumsfeld - (former sec. of defense)
Jack Kemp - (former US senator)
James Baker lll - (former sec. of state, sec. of treasury, white house chief of staff)

Alan Greenspan - (former federal reserve chairman)
Bill Richardson - (NM governor)
Jeb Bush - (former Florida governor)
Arnold Schwarzenneger - (actor, Cal. governor)
Paul Volcker - (former federal reserve chairman)
Clint Eastwood - (actor, former Carmel-by-the-sea Cali. Mayor)
Kenneth Star - (lawyer and Judge)
Karl Rove - (former deputy chief of staff for Bush Jr)
James Wolfensohn - (former president of world bank, special envoy for Gaza disengagement)
Glenn Seaborg - (gave the world plutonium)

Helmut Schmidt - (former German chancellor)
Lee Kwan Yew - (was 1st prime minister of Singapore)
John Major - (former prime minister of Great Britian)
Prince Philip - (Queen Elizabeth's hubby)

Neil Armstrong - (astronaut)
Richard Leakey - (naturalist)
Earl Warren - (a Judge)
Willaim Frist - (a doctor)
Walter Kronkite - (broadcast journalist)
Robert Novak - (political commentator, journalist)
William F.Buckley Jr - (author, political commentator)
Charlton Heston - (actor)
Mark Twain - (American author)
Art Linkletter - (TV host)
Francis Ford Coppola - (film director, producer, screenwriter)
Merv Griffen - (the Merv Griffen show)
Jack London - (American author)

Leonard Firestone - (ambassador, philanthropist)
Malcolm Forbes - (publisher of Forbes magazine)
Edger Kaiser -(business tycoon)
Jack Welch - (general electric)
David Packard - (co-founder of Hewlett-Packard)
Riley P. Bechtel - (chairman & CEO Bechtel Corporation)
Henry Ford ll - (president of ford motor company)
Charles B. Johnson - (US businessman worth estimated $4.3 Billion)
David Rockefeller - (US banker)
David rockefeller Jr - (wealthy philanthropist)

And the list just goes on and on and on.
Maybe the media is just afraid to say to much!!!

One of the activities that takes place at the grove, and certainly the most disturbing, is a ceremony called the "cremation of cares" where the men dress in hooded robes, play the bagpipes, and after chants are said by the "high priest" a doll (an effigy of a child), which is supposed to represent concerns and woes, is burned on an alter while all the men clap and cheer.

***now remember most of those men are our supposed christian conservative leaders***

The alter stands in front of a 40 ft. statue of an owl.
The owl represents Molech/Baal - a semetic diety, mentioned in the bible, whose worship was marked by the sacrificing and burning of children who were offered up by their own parents.
The Canaanite diety was worshipped in Greece, Babylon, and later on in Europe and is often pictured as a bull or an owl or some type of horned beast and children really were sacrificed to it.
This was the precurser for all modern death cults.

***It is said that they used to sacrifice REAL people at the grove, but apparently these days they just use a doll, lets hope so anyway!***

Other activities include plays with major sets and elaborate costumes
They drink privately labeled wine called "Bohemian club"
And there are many reports of homosexual activity at the grove.
Richard Nixon himself said "it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine".

Many political ideas and business deals have been made at the grove...............

Discussions at the grove in the 1930's helped lead to the development of nuclear power and the atomic bomb.
In 1967 Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan hashed out differences over their presidential ambitions while on retreat at the grove.
The Strategic defense initiative (better know as Star wars) was born at the grove.
At the height of the cold war, top Soviet dignitaries traveled to the grove for secret meetings with the heads of the US government as well as corporate leaders.
Carl Rove tapped Arnold Schwarzenneger to run for California governor while at the grove.
Evidence suggests that much of the world's decisions are made at the grove.


Photos of Bohemian grove activities