Sunday, June 29, 2008


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes that he is a man on a divine mission

3 minutes, 37 seconds long

This is really a must see if you wish to understand why there can be no negotiating with this madman!!!


J*A*C*K said...

I bet those Muslims would shit in their towels if the "Great Mahdi" should come flying out of the well. They would probably panic and run over each other causing lots of deaths.

Anonymous said...

I hope that the muzzie's come to you're house Loki and bomb the shittt out of it hahahahahahaha. A good redneck is a dead one.

Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha that was funny those fucking kids looking down the well trying to see their messiah

Anonymous said...

the arrogance and stupidity of these people is amazing. why would Jesus Christ, the Son of God, need some stinking filthy muslim who has been hiding in a well for 1400 years to teach him how to pray? besides, the 12th imam is supposedly a 5 year old who will come back as a 5 year old. yeah, all christians are going to fall for that one. yeah, i got a fucking bridge they can buy, too.

LOKI - Nana said...

Anonymous said...
I hope that the muzzie's come to you're house Loki and bomb the shittt out of it hahahahahahaha. A good redneck is a dead one.

Aaawww it must really chap your hide to have a redneck prove time after time just how stupid your muzzie buddies really are huh?

Oh and for future reference, being called a redneck is NOT an insult to me, so if that was your intention, you failed.
But hey better luck next time!!!

Ya'll come back now ya hear!!!