Wednesday, June 25, 2008


As the Massachusetts State Legislature debates "Jessica's Law" -- named after Jessica Lunsford who was raped and murdered in Florida by a repeat sex offender a few years ago -- one DEMOCRATIC state representative, who is also a defense attorney, and is against the law, has expressed his feelings in a simply unimaginable and grotesque way!!!

The representative, one James Fagan, said he would..........

"rip apart” 6-year-old victims on the witness stand and “make sure the rest of their life is ruined."

In a fiery soliloquy on the House floor, Fagan said he’d grill victims so that,
"when they’re 8 years old, they throw up; when they’re 12 years old, they won’t sleep; when they’re 19 years old, they’ll have nightmares and they’ll never have a relationship with anybody."

Fagan also called Jessica’s Law "knee-jerk" legislation and said “every time the Legislature has named a law after somebody, it has been a failure.”

Yeah Mr. Fagan you're right, I mean not nearly enough little girls and boys have been raped and murdered yet have they!!!
So what the hell is everyone so upset about!!!
I just don't know what these silly parents are thinking when they try to protect their children. Just let the perverts have them, right Mr. Fagan???


This monster has been a Mass. state representative since 1993.
Re-elected over and over by the citizens of Massachusetts.

IF you think this is completely unacceptable maybe you should let Mr. Fagan know how you feel.


Or if you would like to make it a little more personal how about giving him a call.
I am sure he would love to hear from you.

Telephone: 617-722-2040 - or - 508-824-7000

Just so you know...
Jessica’s Law, would require a 20-year prison sentence for the rape of a child under the age of 12.


LOKI - Nana said...

I cant believe no one has had any opinionated comments about this

LOKI - Nana said...

In a related story....
Louisiana, growing tired of dirty old men raping little girls decided to make that crime a death sentence crime.

They even sentenced one man to death row for doing just that.

This so-called man repeatedly raped his 8 yr. old step daughter, the last time he tore her up so bad that she required surgery and he was finally caught.

Naturally this was taken to the supreme court and today the court, in a vote of 5 to 4 decided this punishment could not be upheld because it constituted cruel & unusual punishment.

Their statement was....the death penalty is reserved for killers only.
Which I guess by the way lets those convicted of treason off the hook too.

What about the cruel and unusual punishment these little children endure at the hands of these sick mother fucking pieces of shit???

I guess that's ok.

So they will just keep on ruining children's lives and we will just continue to let them out of jail so that they can ruin even more children's lives.

Yeah, that's fair!!!

Anonymous said...

I can understand grilling a kid to A POINT! Because sometimes kids lie, or if the kid has a history of lying, or a parent forces them to lie.

BUT! If a kid has been examined and it was proven the he/she was penetrated and the kid is traumatized, DNA proof, etc...

Anyone that grills that kid should have a hot, burning fire poker shoved up their ass until he chokes!

What happened to Jessica Lunsford made me cry. The poor little girl was kidnapped by an elderly, mentally ill man that repeatedly raped her, and then he put her in a trash bag to bury her. She begged and pleaded to have her stuffed toy dolphin with her. He buried her ALIVE and when she was finally discovered, her dead little body was found in that trash bag underground... her little hands still clinging to that dolphin.

20 years sentence for something like that is not enough justice. That man should have been burned to death!

Anonymous said...

And sadly, the death penalty will NOT work for child rapists.

The rapists will just kill the kid and bury it far in the deep woods or tie weights to the kid and dump the child in a lake or the ocean.

THAT is why the death penalty wont work in this case.

The death penalty is NOT cruel and unusual punishment for ruining a child's life, but enforcing the death penalty for this type of crime will only ensure that the child's parents will never see their baby again.

LOKI - Nana said...

Anonymous 11:55
Well there is a train of thought that says that is exactly what will happen, on the other hand continuously handing out light sentences of 2 or 3 years is NOT going to stop the child rapists either.

A child molester is absolutely not curable and therefore they rate absolutely no second chances.

20-25 years is a sentence that I could live with for the molestation of a child under the age of 12.....and if they kill that child then the death penalty should be mandatory!!!

And anonymous 11:51,
The 20 year sentence in Jessica's law is for the molestation only...not for the killing.

Anonymous said...

whether people want to believe it or not, there are many false accusations of child abuse made. often the child recants several years later an says that she was coerced into it by either social workers or a vengeful parent. men are let out of prison on a regular basis that were put in on false accusations. thats sort of hard to do if the guy is dead. also, the law defines rape as any penetration, no matter how slight. no doubt you are thinking of the child that is raped in the sense that that she was held down and raped by having an adult male penis rammed in her. there is evidence, dna, etc. but that is not what the law defines rape as. a man that sticks his little finger in a child and leaves no mark or injury or evidence is guilty of the same act, under the law, as a man who commits a brutal, injury causing rape. should he be executed too? they are both guilty of child rape. do you realize that men who have cleaned a child after an accident have been accused of molesting or raping the child? do you understand that some men have been imprisoned for child rape on the word of a 3 year old that cant distinguish reality from fantasy? would you want to be facing execution on the word of a 3 year old? do you men out there understand that if a child makes an accusation against you, without a shred of physical evidence, you can be arrested, held on a high bond, and sit there and wait and pray that you arent jailed for the rest of your life because some kid says you did something? do you know that schools nowdays teach children that if they are touched in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable, they should call police or tell their teacher? and that kids understand that if they make an accusation, its going to be acted on? i work in a school, and i have actually heard kids threaten to make accusations if they dont get their way. you people need to really think about what you are saying, because if you men out there think it cant happen to you, you better think again. i once saw a girl make an accusation that her coach molested her when she was in class, there were about 20 other girls there, and she admitted that the 2 of them were never alone. so instead of questioning how he could molest her with 20 other girls there, the coach was arrested and jailed. he couldnt make bond and sat in jail almost a year until the girl changed her story. of course, by that time, he had lost everything, including his reputation. because the authorities are politically correct and they arent going to ask too many questions because they dont want to be seen as not believing a child, no matter how ridiculous her story. so its left to the defense attorney to do the dirty work. and believe me, if you are the one facing the accusation, you want a defense attorney who is going to be as tough as necessary. believe it or not, not everyone accused of a crime is guilty.

Anonymous said...

This gives the term "stinky finger" a whole new meaning.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:22,

We know that kids lie and fabricate shit if they don't get their way.

What made you think that we believe that ALL "accused" of this shit are guilty?

Try reading.

LOKI - Nana said...

I do not believe rape rates the death penalty..I do however believe it rates a very long prison sentence, not just this 2 or 3 years or sometimes just probation shit.

Repeat offenders should have mandatory life sentences without the possibility of parole, because they deserve it and can not be rehabilitated anyway.

AND if a child is killed in the process of a rape or molestation I believe the death penalty should be mandatory.

I know that children lie or are coached sometimes, and I agree the defendant has a right to an aggressive defense team, however to state that you will rip the child apart and make sure his/her life is ruined is beyond aggressive.

Anonymous said...

God does not make mistakes. Man does.

LOKI - Nana said...

So very true!

LOKI - Nana said...

Anonymous said..
The reason that I'm posting on the fucken boring blog is to tell you loki the blogggggggggggggggggg sucksssssssssssssssss like you bitach.


Today someone tried to sneak this little gem into an earlier post.
Why they could not comment here on my present post I do not know.
Strange minds do work strangely lol

Anyway, I thought it should be shared with the whole class so I pasted it here.

I also pasted my reply below

LOKI - Nana said...

Anonymous said..
The reason that I'm posting on the fucken boring blog is to tell you loki the blogggggggggggggggggg sucksssssssssssssssss like you bitach.

And yet you continue coming back

Anyway apparently you are not up to date on the rules of the internet so let me help you out here.

The great thing about this blog is that if you don't like it then you DO NOT have to come here.
Gosh isn't that wonderful!!!

I am so glad I could educate you on internet procedures.
You poor thing, it must have been just awful to think you had to keep coming back to a blog that you hate huh?

As for the content of MY blog...

I write this blog about issues that interest ME and I am not required to seek your editorial approval for anything that I write.
Sorry if you had the idea that you were in charge.

This blog is NOT about chat crap bullshit so naturally it does not appeal to certain people whose only goal in life is to stay stupid and keep the chat crap going.

If however you are interested in things going on in the world and are educated enough to have opinions about such things then you will find this a very interesting blog.
So maybe you should be mad at your own brain function, or lack thereof, instead of trying to piss on my parade.

So like I said if your mental capacity is not up to the task then you are certainly free to stay the hell off this blog because I do not want to make you feel inadequate but certainly will NOT be changing what I do.

I hope this clears things up for you.
If not I will use smaller words next time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If a child is killed in during a rape then the perpetrator is charged with 2 counte, one being the rape and the other count being murder. If the state where the crime was committed and has the death penalty for murder. Then the prep can be sentenced to the death penalty during the adjudication process.

LOKI - Nana said...

true...I guess the problem I have with that is the "can be" part