Monday, July 28, 2008


Well guys I am out of here until September.
I have vacation time and other important things to do.

However I leave you with this.........

Ten thousand young men and women come home from Iraq, Afghanistan, and other zones of conflict every month.
They've served our country well, and have made sacrifices - of health, of family, of livelihood - that most of us will never have to make.

NOW IT'S OUR TURN to step up to the plate and GIVE.

The players and owners of Major League Baseball have contributed their time and resources to help returning soldiers and their families through Welcome Back Veterans. Now it's up to us to join the effort and do our part by giving generously.

So please go to......

and show your love!!!

Our precious troops have given so very much for us, surely we can give just a little back to them!!!

See you all in September!!!

A FEW FINAL THOUGHTS......................

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Even if this is a fake I think it's freaking awesome LOL

Was filmed somewhere in Spain
1 minute long

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Last week a federal judge in Tennessee ruled that stealing someone's identity was NOT a crime.

The case was regarding 2 illegal aliens (Mexicans) who had stolen American citizen's ID's and used them.

The judge said that since the men had merely used to ID's to obtain work, no crime had been committed!!!

Do ANY OF YOU think you would get away with stealing and then using someone else's identity????

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Saltine here are the light show pics from last night.
9pm show.....a tribute to Queen and first responers!!!
ALL DONE WITH LIGHT BULBS...3 blocks of light bulbs

Sunday, July 13, 2008


China has announced that they are removing dog from the menu for the 2008 Olympic games.
Of course toxic water and tainted products will remain available to everyone!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


The UN is funded in large part by U.S. taxpayers.
I believe we cover some 75% of the UN budget.
and this is just a little of what you have gotten for your buck!!!

# 1 - The UN "Law of the Sea Treaty" (UN Convention on the Law of the Sea - UNCLOS) conceived in 1982 by the UN as a method of governing activities on, over, and beneath the ocean's surface.
It came into force on November 16, 1994
It asserts the UN's control over 7/10ths of the earths surface (70% of the earth is covered by oceans) which includes all U.S. territorial waters.

Although over 155 countries and the European community have signed onto this treaty, thankfully the U.S still has not.
The reason we have not is......
Part XI of the Convention provides for a regime relating to minerals on the seabed outside any state's territorial waters or EEZ. It establishes an International Seabed Authority (ISA) to authorize seabed exploration and mining and collect and distribute the seabed mining royalty.

However even though the United States is not a party to the treaty, it considers many of the remaining provisions as binding and as "customary international law".

# 2 - The ICC (International Criminal Court) which was established in 2002 is a UN created court that claims the authority to put U.S. citizens on trial, along with the citizens of all other nations of course.
So far anyway the U.S. government has rejected it, but US support for the ICC is around 68% for Democrats, and 56% of Republicans.

The UN ICC goes so far as to say they have the absolute right to put on trial even citizens of nations who do not belong to the ICC (that would include Americans).
So the U.S. has had to pass legislation in order to protect its own citizens from this court.

# 3 - The Bush administration has proposed putting together a 75,000 man UN army called the "Global Peace Operations Initiative"
This UN army is to be largely funded by the U.S. Pentagon budget and is to be equipped and trained by our already overtaxed military forces.

# 4 - The UN Reform Act of 2005 (H.R. 2745) put forth by the Republicans and passed on June 17, 2005, (by a vote of 221 to 184) - supports the creation of a
"UN Peace Building Commission".
This new creation will serve as the UN's enforcement arm.
Or as Ron Paul put it...."the internationalization of what were formerly internal affairs of sovereign nations"

These things allow for the Centralization of power under the UN umbrella and gives the UN..........
**an independent military,
**a court system,
**an executive branch - to enforce UN decrees and interfere in the affairs of sovereign and independent nations.
**and control over 70% of the earths surface (the oceans).

There can be no other name for this than a "World Government" in the making.

A little back history in the UN............
The UN was created in part by American "one worlders" at the New York based Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) along with communists from other nations.

U.S. traitor and Soviet agent Alger Hiss was in charge of the UN founding conference in 1945 and was the key architect of the UN Charter.
He was assisted by many others who were like-minded.
Their goal was to establish the framework of a world government that would gradually be empowered and transformed into a global socialist dictatorship.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


In 2007 - Bush signed a bill..... which says in case of a national emergency he can postpone the presidential elections and maintain his presidency.
This will still be in effect when the next president takes over and the next and the next.
It's a clause in the patriot act.
The Patriot act allows for law enforcement to search YOUR home without a warrant, to arrest YOU without charges, to provide YOU no lawyer, to detain YOU as long as they want, etc, etc.... There is nothing in the patriot act that says only muzzies fall under this act. It applies to all of us.

Also in 2007 - With 32 CFR 501.4 - Bush repealed the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 - that act stated that no U.S. military could have any type of operations on American streets. It forbid the U.S. military from policing on U.S. soil.

But now they CAN!!!!

On October 17th 2006, in a stealth maneuver, in a private Oval Office ceremony, Bush signed into law a provision which will actually encourage the President to declare Federal Martial Law.
It does so by revising the Insurrection Act (10 U.S.C. 331-335) - a set of laws that limits the Presidents ability to deploy troops within the United States.
**The Insurrection Act has historically, along with the Posse Comitatus Act, helped to enforce strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement.

Public Law 109-364, or the "John Warner Act of 2007" (H.R. 5122) (2) allows the President to declare a "public emergency" and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governors or local authorities, in order to "suppress public disorder".

REMEMBER: the term for putting an area under military law enforcement is very precise. The term is "Martial Law".

**The "John Warner Act of 2007" also facilitates militarized police round-ups and detention of protesters, illegal aliens, potential terrorists, and other undesirables for detention in facilities ALREADY contracted for and under construction by Halliburton.

The Romans might ask - "Que Bono"??? meaning - who benefits??
So let us also ask....who benefits from these new laws???
I know who it does NOT benefit, and that is we the people.

We are told these things must be done out of NECESSITY in order to protect us from the evil doers.

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the creed of slaves"
William Pitts to the House of Commons

So could Martial Law ever really happen here in America???
Oh hell, lets face it, the very next terror attack we have and Martial law could be the order of the day!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Part 2

Upon passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 U.S. Congressman Lious McFadden said....
"A world banking system was being set up here....a super state controlled by international bankers....acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. The Fed has usurped the government"

The public was told that the Federal Reserve was an economic stabilizer and that inflation and economic crisis' were a thing of the past.
But as history has shown us, nothing could be further from the truth.
The fact was that the international bankers had created a streamline machine to expand their personal ambitions.

For example between 1914 & 1919....
The Federal Reserve increased the money supply by nearly 100% resulting in extensive loans to small banks and to the public.
Then in 1920 the Reserve called in mass percentages of the outstanding money supply, thus resulting in supporting banks having to call in huge numbers of loans and just like in 1907 bank runs, bankruptcy, and collapse occurred.
Over 5400 competitive banks, outside the Federal Reserve system, collapsed which further consolidated the monopoly of the small group of men.

Privy to this crime, Congressman Charles Lindbergh stepped up and said in 1921....
"Under the Federal Reserve Act panics are scientifically created. The present panic is the first scientifically created one, worked out as we figure a mathematical equation".

However the panic of 1920 was just a warm up

From 1921 to 1929....
The Federal Reserve again increased the money supply by 62%, resulting once again in extensive loans to banks and to the public.
There was also a fairly new type of loan called the "margin loan" in the stock market which allowed an investor to put down only 10% of a stocks price with the other 90% being loaned through the investor.
In other words a person could own $1000 worth of stock by only putting down $100.

This was very popular in the roaring 1920's when everyone seemed to be making money in the stock market.
However there is a catch to this can be called in at any time and then would have to be paid within 24 hours.
This is termed a "margin call" and the typical result of a margin call is the selling of the stock purchased with the loan.

So a few months before October in 1929, J.D. Rockefeller, and other insiders, quietly exited the market, and on October 24th 1929 the New York financiers who had furnished the margin loans started calling them in en masse.

This caused a instantaneous massive sell off in the market because everyone had to cover their margin lines.
It then triggered mass bank runs for the same reasons, in turn collapsing over 16,000 banks, outside the Federal Reserve system.
This enabled the international bankers to not only buy up collapsed banks at a discount, but to also buy up whole corporations for just pennies on the dollar.

It was the biggest robbery in American history.

But it didn't stop there.....rather than expand the money supply to recover from the economic collapse the Reserve actually contracted it (put out less money), fueling one of the largest depressions in history....the GREAT DEPRESSION.

Once again Congressman Louis McFadden, a long time opponent of the banking cartell began bringing impeachment proceedings against members of the Federal Reserve board saying of the crash and depression....
"It was a carefully contrived occurrence. International bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair, so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all".

Not surprisingly, and after 2 other assassination attempts, McFadden was poisoned at a banquet before he could push for the impeachments.

Having brought the society to it's knees the Federal Reserve bankers then decided that the gold standard should be removed.
In order to do this they needed to acquire the remaining gold in the system, so under the pretense of "helping to end the depression" came the 1933 "Gold Seizure Act".

Under the threat of imprisonment for 10 years, everyone in America was required to turn in all gold bullion to the treasury, which essentially robbed the public of what little wealth they had left, and at the end of 1933 the gold standard was abolished.

If you were to look at a dollar bill before 1933 it would say "redeemable in gold"
Today it simply says "legal tender" which means it is backed by absolutely nothing.
It is worthless paper.
The only thing that gives our money any value is how much of it is in circulation.
Therefore the power to regulate the money supply is also the power to regulate it's value, which is also the power to bring entire economies and societies to their knees.

"Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes it's laws"
Mayer Anschel Rothchild
Founder of the Rothchild banking dynasty.

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking corporation that is completely consistent with the fraudulent central banking model that the country sought to escape from when it declared independence in the American revolutionary war.
Our founding fathers must surely being turning over in their graves knowing we allowed this to happen.

Now going back to 1913, the "Federal Reserve Act" was not the only unconstitutional bill pushed through Congress.
They also pushed the "Federal Income Tax".
It's worthwhile to point out the the American publics ignorance regarding the federal income tax is a testament to how dumbed down and oblivious the American population really is.

#1 - a federal income tax is completely unconstitutional because it is a direct un-apportioned tax.
ALL direct taxes HAVE to be apportioned in order to be legal based on the Constitution.

#2 - the required number of states in order to ratify the amendment to allow the income tax was NEVER met.
****This has even been cited in modern day court cases.......
"If you examine the 10th amendment carefully, you would find that a sufficient number of states never ratified that amendment".
James C. Fox - 2003
U.S. District Court Judge

#3 - at the present time roughly 35% of the average American worker's income is taken from him/her via this tax.
****That means you work 4 months out of the year just to fulfill this tax obligation, and guess where that money goes...It goes to pay the interest on the currency being produced by the fraudulent Federal Reserve Bank, a system that does not have to exist at all.

Not one cent of your tax money goes towards any government program whatsoever!!!
Every dollar you make for 4 months out of each year goes almost literally into the pockets of these international bankers who own the the Federal Reserve bank.

#4 - Even with the fraudulent government claim as to the legality of the income tax, there is literally no statute, no law in existence that requires you to pay this tax.

The income tax is nothing less than the enslavement of the entire country by our own government, in order that they can pay off the Federal Reserve.
A bill we will never ever be able to pay off anyway.

So you see, everyone of us, and our parents before us, spend 4 months out of every single year doing slave labor for the Federal Reserve.
And whenever the Federal Reserve wishes they can bring the entire economy to it's knees in a matter of days.
So our government tows the line and makes us tow the line too, for fear that the entire nation will go bankrupt at the whim of the Federal Reserve bankers!!!

As for wars, you wouldn't believe how much money these bankers, attached to the Federal Reserve dynasty, have made from them.
Maybe I will post about it one day.

We die, they get that an acceptable agreement to you???

Monday, July 7, 2008


Well you're NOT!!!

OK this will require a little time to connect the dots, so bear with me because this is fascinating and very enlightening once it is all put together.
Of course remaining ignorant does have it's perks too, so it is up to you whether you want to know about your slavery or remain blind to it!!!

Now you might think the Federal Reserve belongs to the U.S. government but you would be wrong.
It is actually a privately owned corporation.
It makes it's own policies and is under virtually no regulation by the U.S. government.
It is a private bank who makes loans to the U.S. government with interest attached.
It is a corporation which can, and has many times, brought America to it's knees.

FIRST A LITTLE HISTORY...after all school was a long time ago for most of us LOL

In 1775 the American revolutionary war began as the American colonies sought to detach themselves from England and the oppressive monarchy
Many reasons are named for this revolution but one that sticks out as the primary cause is that King George III of England outlawed the interest free, independent currency the colonies were producing and using for themselves, which in turn forced them to borrow money from the central bank of England with interest attached, immediately putting the colonies into debt.

"The refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the revolution"
Benjamin Franklin
Founding father

In 1783 America won it's independence from England, however it's battle against the central bank concept and the corrupt greed-filled men associated with it had just begun.

A central bank is an institution that produces the currency of an entire nation,
here in the U.S. it is called the Federal Reserve.
Based on historical precedent, 2 specific powers are inherent in central banking practice....
#1 - the control of interest rates
#2 - the control of the money supply (inflation)

The central bank does not simply supply a government's economy with money, it LOANS it to them with interest attached.
Then through the use of increasing and decreasing the supply of money, the central bank regulates the value of the currency being issued.

It is critical to understand that this entire system can only produce ONE thing in the long run........DEBT!!!

Every single dollar produced by the central bank is loaned at interest, which means that with every single dollar that is produced, there is also an additional percentage of immediate debt that comes with it.
So since the central bank holds the monopoly over the production of the currency for the entire nation, and they loan each dollar out with immediate debt attached to it, where does the money to pay back the debt come from???

Well it can only come from the central bank again, of course!!!

This means that the central bank has to perpetually increase it's money supply to temporarily cover the outstanding debt created, which in turn, since that new money is also loaned out with interest attached to it, creates even more debt!!!

The end result of this system, without fail, is slavery!!!!
For it is impossible for the government, and thus the public, to EVER come out of this self generating debt.

The founding fathers were well aware of this.....

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies....If the American people ever allow private banks and corporations to control the issue of currency...the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered"
Thomas Jefferson
U.S. President

"If you want to remain slaves of the bankers and pay for the costs of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control the nation's credit"
Sir Josiah Stamp

By the early 20th century the U.S. government had already implemented and removed a few central banking systems which were swindled into place by ruthless banking interests.

At that time the dominant families in the banking and business world were......
the Rockfellers, the Morgans, the Warburgs, and the Rothchilds, and in the early 1900's they once again sought to push legislation to create yet ANOTHER central bank.

However they knew the government and the public would be very wary of such an institution so they created an incident to affect public opinion.
J.P. Morgan, who was publicly considered a financial luminary at the time, exploited his mass influence by publishing rumors that a prominent bank in New York was insolvent or bankrupt.

Morgan knew this would cause mass histeria which would affect other banks as well, and that it did.
The public, in fear of losing their deposits, immediately began mass withdrawals (bank runs), consequently the banks were forced to call in their loans, causing recipients to sell their property, and thus a spiral of bankruptcies, repossesions, and turmoil emerged.

Putting the pieces together a few years later, Frederik Allen of Life Magazine wrote......"The Morgan interests took precipitate the panic (of 1907) guiding shrewdly as it progressed".

However at the time and unaware of the fraud, the panic of 1907 led to a Congressional investigation headed by Senator Nelson Aldrich, who had intimate ties to the banking cartells and later became part of the Rockefeller family through marriage.
The commission, led by Aldrich, recommended that a central bank should be implemented so that a panic like the one in 1907 "could never happen again".
This was the spark the international bankers needed to initiate their plan.

In 1910 a meeting was held at a J.P. Morgan estate on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. It was there that the Central Banking bill, called the "Federal Reserve Act", was written.
This legislation was written entirely by bankers, not by lawmakers.

After this bill was constructed it was then handed over to their political front man Senator Nelson Aldrich to be pushed through Congress.
In 1913, with heavy political sponsorship by the bankers, Woodrow Wilson became President - having already agreed to sign the act in exchange for campaign support,
and 2 days before Christmas, when most of Congress was at home with their families, the "Federal Reserve Act" was voted in and Wilson in turn, made it law.

And thus the United States Federal Reserve was born!!!

Years later in 1919, Woodrow Wilson wrote in regret....
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by it's system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men"
Woodrow Wilson
U.S. President

Tomorrow I will post part 2 of this and show you exactly how much power the Federal Reserve really has, and how they have used this power, at great expense to the American people.
It is truely awful what some people will do to fatten their already enormous wallets!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


In 2005 an arrangement was made between Canada, Mexico, & the United States.
Bush signed this formal agreement without the approval of the U.S. congress or the people of the United States.
This arrangement, unannounced to the public and unregulated by the Congress merges these 3 nations into 1 entity, erasing all borders.
It's called the North American Union.

Billed on the premise of the "security and prosperity partnership of North America", you may want to ask yourself why you have never heard of this or have heard very little about it.
In fact there is only 1 mainstream reporter who has had the courage to cover this issue in depth, and that is Lou Dobbs on CNN

The entire thing is being done on behalf of the investment class, and equates to the complete loss of sovereignty for all 3 nations involved.
It will also result in a completely new currency called the "Amero" (much like the Euro now being used by those in the European union).
By default, this agreement will render the U.S. constitution completely obsolete.

A situation like this should be front page news on every media outlet every day of the week. You might think so anyway until you realize that the people behind this movement are the same people who are behind the mainstream media, and you are not told what you are not supposed to know.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But now the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march forward towards a WORLD government. The supra national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries"
David Rockefeller - June 1991
Private banker and council on foreign relations

The North American Union is the same concept as the European Union, the African Union, and the soon to be the Asian Union.

And when the time is right these 4 unions will then be merged together into a one world government, a plan that men have been working on for over 60 years now.
A plan where a very few people at the very top will decide and control every detail of life for the rest of us!!!

In an address to the U.S. Senate on 2-17-1950
"We shall have World government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent"
Paul Warburg
Council on Foreign Relations and the architect of the Federal Reserve system

In 1933......
"The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
United States President

John F. Kennedy once said.....
"There exists in this country a plot to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot"
Well we all know what happened to him.

Under a one world government there will be one bank, one army, one center of power!!!

The biggest lesson we should have learned throughout history is that.....

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"
Lord Acton
English historian

Apparently we still haven't got that lesson down.

Also in 2005, under the pretense of immigration control and the war on terror, the U.S. Congress passed the "Real ID Act" which will eventually require that all of us carry around a federal identification card, which will include on it a scannable bar code containing all of our personal information.

This card is simply an intermediate step before the card is replaced by a chip (an RFID tracking module) which will use radio frequencies to track our every move.

Don't believe me???...well the RFID tracking chip is already being used in ALL new U.S. passports.

The final step will be the implantable "Verichip" which will be placed under your skin.
Many people have already been manipulated into voluntarily receiving this implantable chip under varying pretexts of course.
For example...a Florida family was the first ever to receive microchip identification devices implanted into their bodies because the family was concerned about their family's security after 9-11.
Also many young female night-clubbers are now getting these chips implanted so as not to have to carry a purse, which could be stolen, when they go out on the town.
These implants are scanned just like a credit card.

In the end everyone will be locked into a monitored control grid, where every single action you preform is documented.
And if you get out of line???
Well they can just turn off your chip, because by that point in time every single aspect of society will revolve around interactions with these chips.

God help those of us who will refuse to get them!!!!

These chips WILL be our "mark of the beast" as they say.
Not the mark of Satan but rather those whose ravenous greed and hunger for ultimate power lend themselves to serve all that is evil in this world.

If not stopped our future holds for us a centralized one world economy where everyone's moves and everyone's transactions will be tracked and monitored and all of our rights will be removed.

The most incredible aspect of all is that these totalitarian elements will not have to be forced upon the people but rather the people will demand them..... because the social manipulation of society through the constant generation of fear and division has completely detached humans from their sense of power and reality.
This is a process that has been going on for centuries, if not millennia..... through religion, patriotism, race, wealth, class, and every other form of arbitrary separatist identification.

Divide and conquer is the motto and as long as people continue to see themselves as separate from everything else - we lend ourselves to being completely enslaved.

If you still believe that we are not completely controlled then stay tuned for my next few posts because I will show you that we have all been raised on enslavement just as our parents and our grandparents before us.

May God have mercy on us all !!!!!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


We (all of mankind) are what we are because of what we know, and we know what we know because of what we learn, and each culture is willing to defend their known views to the death if necessary.

So what makes one culture different from another???

Westerners are by nature very curious people, we like to know exactly how things work and why they work the way they do.
We like to debate each other, and to challenge present knowledge, and we take great pride in new discoveries.
Knowing how things work will inevitably bring about change, therefore we westerners learned a very long time ago to embrace change, and this change has allowed us to progress and to have everything we have today, both the good and the bad.

Eastern civilizations, on the other hand, are not curious people by nature, novelty does not excite them, and change is considered unnecessary, taboo, and often times even threatening.
Buddhists for example feel they learned everything they needed to learn some 2000 years ago and therefore see no need for curiosity.
To them the universe will not change therefore there is simply no need to look for change.

Muzzies by the same token believe everything they need to know was given to them some 1400 years ago when Mohamhead told them exactly how he thought things were.
They accepted his interpretation, and to this day they see no need for curiosity or for change.
To them things are what Mohamhead said they are and therefore curiosity is unnecessary and change is dangerous because progress represents a threat to their entire belief system.

So who is right?
Well each side firmly believes that their views are the correct ones, and each side is willing to fight and even die in order to protect their own interpretation of things.

All conflicts, throughout human history, can be traced back to this fact;
One culture has been determined to change another culture to their own way of thinking, which is exactly what is happening today.

Muslims are determined to turn our thinking to their way, and we are just as determined to remain as we are.

They unwilling to change......and we unwilling not to change
This, in a nutshell, explains why muzzies and western civilization can NEVER live peacefully together, and why we can NEVER reach any sort of a compromise with each other.

So when you hear either side suggest compromise of any kind you should understand that compromise will simply delay the inevitable.
And what is the inevitable in this case???
Simply put, neither side will ever live in peace as long as the other side lives at all.

Friday, July 4, 2008



Wednesday, July 2, 2008


#1 - On December 21, 2012 (the winter solstice) the sun will line up with the center of the Milky Way galaxy, this is a VERY rare cosmic alignment that only happens every 26,000 years.
Scientists have no idea what effect this may have on the Earth yet.

#2 - At the same time another astronomical rarity will occur - the earth will complete a wobble around it's axis - This is called a procession - one complete processional wobble takes 26,000 years.
This could and most likely WILL cause a lot of havoc on the earth in regards to catastrophic weather patterns all over the planet!!!

#3 - Also our little planet is about to cross through the "galactic plain" which is the gravitational central axis of our entire galaxy (the galactic equator if you will).
When this happens it will cause a pole shift, which will definately cause catastrophic weather patterns all over the planet!!!

#4 - On top of all that there is Nibiru!!!
Named Eris by NASA, the planet has also been called planet X, the winged (or horned) disc, and Wormwood (Wormwood you can look up in the Bible).

The first conformation that a new planet was out there was on December 30, 1983.
In the direction of the constellation Orion it was spotted by an orbiting telescope called IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite).
It is so big that astronomers were not sure at first if it was a planet, a giant comet, a distant galaxy so young that it was still forming it's first stars, or a galaxy shrouded in dust so that none of the light cast by it's stars ever got through.

Immediately after the announcement was made that a new planet was found they came out again and said it was a mistake.

OK fair enough, mistakes happen...
However it has been continuously observed by astronomers in Antarctica from around the world, and by space telescopes from NASA, France, Japan, etc...ever since.
If it's a mistake and nothing is there then what the hell have they been observing all these many years???
Even the Vatican is said to be secretly involved in launching their own space telescope in order to observe this "nothing".

It is believed that Nibiru/Eris has a 3600 year orbit of our sun, but is actually a member of another solar system near ours.
(WOW! exactly the same as the ancient Sumerians said - Fascinating!!!)
It orbits (moves) in an opposite direction of all of our own planets.

Scientists have known that there are what they call "extra solar planets" for a long time. These are refered to as traveling or wondering planets.
So the discovery of Nibiru/Eris should come as no big surprise.

So what is going on here???

Because of the Earth's tilt, Nibiru/Eris can only be observed (with high powered telescopes) from the South pole right now.
But it should be visible with a regular telescope, from most places on the planet, by May 15, 2009 (It will be seen as a faint reddish object).
By May 2011 you should be able to see it with the naked eye.

On December 21, 2012 Nibiru/Eris should pass through the eliptic plain, and will be seen as a bright red star and will appear like a second sun.
It's pull on our gravity will cause dramatic weather anomalies and a probable pole shift.

This is something we might well wish to know about right???
So why the secrecy???

Insiders from NASA, the Dept. Of Defense, National Military Intelligence, S.E.T.I., and the CIA, speculate that 2/3 of the Earth's population will die during the coming pole shift.
Of those who survive another 2/3 could die due to starvation and exposure to the elements.

So why would they want tell us about it!!!
I mean just because we foot the bill (a very large bill) that doesn't give us the right to know anything about it!!!
Besides it's best not to stir the pot, after all they don't want people running amuck now do they!!!
The world governments know all about this, and have for sometime, but rather than start a panic they remain quiet, and secretly build underground shelters for those they deem worthy of saving, while they point more and more infrared telescopes towards the heavens.

Of course this whole Nibiru/Eris thing could be bullshit, let us all hope that it is.
But why spend billions or trillions of dollars on bullshit???
I guess we will all have to keep an eye on the sky to see for ourselves.

However the first 3 things I mentioned are no fairytale and WILL occur just as they always have.
What these things mean for the planet and our own survival??
Makes me shudder just thinking about it!!!

By the way, why would NASA name this new planet Eris?
Eris afterall was the Greek goddess of strife.

Anyway how about you follow the money!!

10 minute, 3 seconds long

The evidence is there if you just look for it.
Here is a good starting point.....