Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Part 2

Upon passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 U.S. Congressman Lious McFadden said....
"A world banking system was being set up here....a super state controlled by international bankers....acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. The Fed has usurped the government"

The public was told that the Federal Reserve was an economic stabilizer and that inflation and economic crisis' were a thing of the past.
But as history has shown us, nothing could be further from the truth.
The fact was that the international bankers had created a streamline machine to expand their personal ambitions.

For example between 1914 & 1919....
The Federal Reserve increased the money supply by nearly 100% resulting in extensive loans to small banks and to the public.
Then in 1920 the Reserve called in mass percentages of the outstanding money supply, thus resulting in supporting banks having to call in huge numbers of loans and just like in 1907 bank runs, bankruptcy, and collapse occurred.
Over 5400 competitive banks, outside the Federal Reserve system, collapsed which further consolidated the monopoly of the small group of men.

Privy to this crime, Congressman Charles Lindbergh stepped up and said in 1921....
"Under the Federal Reserve Act panics are scientifically created. The present panic is the first scientifically created one, worked out as we figure a mathematical equation".

However the panic of 1920 was just a warm up

From 1921 to 1929....
The Federal Reserve again increased the money supply by 62%, resulting once again in extensive loans to banks and to the public.
There was also a fairly new type of loan called the "margin loan" in the stock market which allowed an investor to put down only 10% of a stocks price with the other 90% being loaned through the investor.
In other words a person could own $1000 worth of stock by only putting down $100.

This was very popular in the roaring 1920's when everyone seemed to be making money in the stock market.
However there is a catch to this loan.......it can be called in at any time and then would have to be paid within 24 hours.
This is termed a "margin call" and the typical result of a margin call is the selling of the stock purchased with the loan.

So a few months before October in 1929, J.D. Rockefeller, and other insiders, quietly exited the market, and on October 24th 1929 the New York financiers who had furnished the margin loans started calling them in en masse.

This caused a instantaneous massive sell off in the market because everyone had to cover their margin lines.
It then triggered mass bank runs for the same reasons, in turn collapsing over 16,000 banks, outside the Federal Reserve system.
This enabled the international bankers to not only buy up collapsed banks at a discount, but to also buy up whole corporations for just pennies on the dollar.

It was the biggest robbery in American history.

But it didn't stop there.....rather than expand the money supply to recover from the economic collapse the Reserve actually contracted it (put out less money), fueling one of the largest depressions in history....the GREAT DEPRESSION.

Once again Congressman Louis McFadden, a long time opponent of the banking cartell began bringing impeachment proceedings against members of the Federal Reserve board saying of the crash and depression....
"It was a carefully contrived occurrence. International bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair, so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all".

Not surprisingly, and after 2 other assassination attempts, McFadden was poisoned at a banquet before he could push for the impeachments.

Having brought the society to it's knees the Federal Reserve bankers then decided that the gold standard should be removed.
In order to do this they needed to acquire the remaining gold in the system, so under the pretense of "helping to end the depression" came the 1933 "Gold Seizure Act".

Under the threat of imprisonment for 10 years, everyone in America was required to turn in all gold bullion to the treasury, which essentially robbed the public of what little wealth they had left, and at the end of 1933 the gold standard was abolished.

If you were to look at a dollar bill before 1933 it would say "redeemable in gold"
Today it simply says "legal tender" which means it is backed by absolutely nothing.
It is worthless paper.
The only thing that gives our money any value is how much of it is in circulation.
Therefore the power to regulate the money supply is also the power to regulate it's value, which is also the power to bring entire economies and societies to their knees.

"Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes it's laws"
Mayer Anschel Rothchild
Founder of the Rothchild banking dynasty.

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking corporation that is completely consistent with the fraudulent central banking model that the country sought to escape from when it declared independence in the American revolutionary war.
Our founding fathers must surely being turning over in their graves knowing we allowed this to happen.

Now going back to 1913, the "Federal Reserve Act" was not the only unconstitutional bill pushed through Congress.
They also pushed the "Federal Income Tax".
It's worthwhile to point out the the American publics ignorance regarding the federal income tax is a testament to how dumbed down and oblivious the American population really is.

#1 - a federal income tax is completely unconstitutional because it is a direct un-apportioned tax.
ALL direct taxes HAVE to be apportioned in order to be legal based on the Constitution.

#2 - the required number of states in order to ratify the amendment to allow the income tax was NEVER met.
****This has even been cited in modern day court cases.......
"If you examine the 10th amendment carefully, you would find that a sufficient number of states never ratified that amendment".
James C. Fox - 2003
U.S. District Court Judge

#3 - at the present time roughly 35% of the average American worker's income is taken from him/her via this tax.
****That means you work 4 months out of the year just to fulfill this tax obligation, and guess where that money goes...It goes to pay the interest on the currency being produced by the fraudulent Federal Reserve Bank, a system that does not have to exist at all.

Not one cent of your tax money goes towards any government program whatsoever!!!
Every dollar you make for 4 months out of each year goes almost literally into the pockets of these international bankers who own the the Federal Reserve bank.

#4 - Even with the fraudulent government claim as to the legality of the income tax, there is literally no statute, no law in existence that requires you to pay this tax.

The income tax is nothing less than the enslavement of the entire country by our own government, in order that they can pay off the Federal Reserve.
A bill we will never ever be able to pay off anyway.

So you see, everyone of us, and our parents before us, spend 4 months out of every single year doing slave labor for the Federal Reserve.
And whenever the Federal Reserve wishes they can bring the entire economy to it's knees in a matter of days.
So our government tows the line and makes us tow the line too, for fear that the entire nation will go bankrupt at the whim of the Federal Reserve bankers!!!

As for wars, you wouldn't believe how much money these bankers, attached to the Federal Reserve dynasty, have made from them.
Maybe I will post about it one day.

We die, they get richer...is that an acceptable agreement to you???


Anonymous said...

very interesting loki long but good you did a great job putting this all together it is frightening to know that so few people have so much control over our lives and our fate

Anonymous said...

loki your blog is getting a little serious lately

Anonymous said...

all this shit is pretty old news. none of it is a big secret, the fed reserve has always been a private corporation and anyone has always been able to find that out. there have been books and articles and radio shows about it for years. are you getting worked up about it now because you are just now finding all this out?

LOKI - Nana said...

Nope I have always known about it, but I do know MANY people who know absolutely nothing about it at all.

As for me writing about it now, this is simply when I had the time and energy to do it.

You got a problem with that???

Anonymous said...

At fiwst I thought it was stawched panties but now I think something is too tight.
We pwovide 24 houw sewice, stawch extwa. Call fow pwices. Thank you and cum again.

loki said...

I think I will remain just as I am thank you very much.

I like me and if you don't...well that's YOUR problem, not mine!!!

Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...

sweeps da crumb :)

loki said...

you wouldn't dare!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like Loki with whip cream and sprinkles

Anonymous said...

you sound more and more like doing_what every day. certainly the two of you read some of the same websites.

LOKI - Nana said...

These are simply historical facts.

And if something is true, it's true, and closing your eyes and pretending it's not will change nothing.

So you can either remain a blinded sheep or you can educate yourself.
It's really up to you.