Wednesday, January 30, 2008


The major tenet of a democracy is to follow the will of the majority.

So you tell me if the following is the will of the majority or not.....

There is a payroll tax cap in this country and that cap is $97,000
This means that any income over $97,000 is tax free.

So if you make $250,000 a year, or $2 million a year, or even $10 million a year, you will only be taxed for the first $97,000.
The income over $97,000 is tax free.
WOW sounds great huh!!!

But wait, lets be clear here, if you make anything under $97,000 per year you are taxed on every penny of it.
Doesn't sound so great now does it!!!

So who reaps the rewards of this policy??

Not me that's for sure, and I doubt it helps any of you either.
I know I don't make anywhere near $97,000 per year and therefore every God damn dime I make is taxed!!!
Infact the MAJORITY of people in this country do NOT benefit from this lovely little policy.

So you tell me, whose will is being followed here?
The will of the majority or the will of the elite minority??

Democracy at work??......I don't think so!!!


Someone said to me earlier......
"Loki which politican hasn't flip flopped...... It's how the game is played and everyone of them do it"

and although I agree with the statement, it made me very angry and got me to thinking.

Yes it is true that politicians, one and all, "flip flop", pander, and lie depending on the situation,
But WHY do they???

In a true Democracy it should be impossible to flip flop or pander or lie because "we the people" hold all the power and watch closely those who have been choosen to lead. The government does what the people want and expect them to do or we simply change out those who govern.
At least this is the idea of a democracy.

The word Democracy comes from the greek....
dēmos - meaning "people"
kratia - meaning "power"

A true Democracy can not survive without the people.
It is incumbent upon the people to participate and regulate and govern the government.
The people MUST keep vigile over the democracy or risk losing it.

However somewhere along the way "we the people" here in America gave up our responsibility to govern, we turned a blind eye to what our politicians were doing.
We trusted that power would not breed corruption in our leaders. Hell we even stopped voting (only 40% of voting age Americans bother to vote).
We just took it for granted that everything would work out in the end and that our democracy would simply take care of itself.

Corruption is so common place these days that we talk about it with a shrug and a sigh. We assume our leaders will lie to us, pander to us, flip flop on every issue, and say whatever they have to in order to get elected and then will change their minds once they are in office.

We have stopped demanding the truth.
we have stopped expecting the truth,
we have even stopped hoping for the truth.

We pretty much allow our leaders to do whatever they want to do.
They decide how much money we make, they decide which of our jobs can leave the country, they decide how secure our borders will be, they decide whether we can or can not have abortions.
They decide which schools our children will attend, they decide when to go to war and then when to end the war, they decide how much we will give them in taxes and then they decide how that money will be spent.
They decide which drugs are legal and which will get you prison time, some believe they even decide who our future leaders will be.

Pretty much every aspect of our lives is decided for us by our leaders. We have given them this power and they have taken it with greedy fists and hungry eyes. The more we give up to them the more they want.

Because of this we have gotten to where we are now and things will only get worse from here, and one day things WILL get so bad that we will finally rise up and scream that our leaders failed us, but in truth we share all the blame for we have failed ourselves.


A Democracy can not survive without the people.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Well, well, well, things just became a little clearer today!!!

I have often wondered why Venezuala's President Hugo Chavez says such crazy things.
His arrogance and paranoia seem without bounds.

Yesterday the reason for his behavior became quite clear when he accepted a handful of coca leaves from his Bolivian buddy Evo Morales while they were attending a summit meeting.

Old Hugo put them in his mouth and began chewing them with glee saying "Coca isn't cocaine and you know the strength they give you".
He continued on by saying "I have grown used to having them every morning".

The leader of a nation standing up, for all the world to see, and endulging in drug use.
Again WOW!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008


In chat the other night I was talking with a few people, and I am not sure how the subject came up but Ariel and I both agreed that as far as insects go, butterflys and rollie pollies were among our favorites.

This led to us finding out that certain other people (I won't mention any names here --- Saltine & Nuke) don't know what rollie pollies are.
After having tried endlessly to explain the little creatures to them, someone (saltine) still didn't get it.
Some people (Saltine) are just a little thick!

I put up a link in the room where a picture of them could be seen, and this certain person (Saltine) said she didn't see the link and suggested it was as imaginary as my lil rolli pollies.

Well, I don't have to take that from a cracker, so here is proof.
lil rollie pollies....ain't they precious.!!! LOL

There that'll teach you to call my friends "imaginary".

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Those who believe in evolution believe that between 2-3 million years ago prehistoric man stood up and never again walked on all fours.

The ability to walk upright and opposable thumbs enabled humans to survive and adapt and to excell in all areas. Our brains grew bigger, we began to think and reason, we developed communication skills, fine motor skills, etc... and ended up the superior beings that we are today.

However is it possible for humans to de-evolve?
Recent discoveries may point to that possiblity.

In Southern Turkey near the Syrian border lives a family of kurdish muslims.
A man married his cousin and fathered 19 children, and as we all know marrying close family members greatly increases the risk of birth defects in offspring.

13 of the children are normal but 6 are not.
These abnormal children now range from age 18 to 34. one of the male children walks with a "drunken gate". He is not drunk, he simply has a severe balance problem.
The other 5 abnormal children (4 girls and 1 boy) have, for their entire lives, walked on all fours.
Scientists believe these human quadrupeds may provide clues to how humans evolved to stand on two feet.

However working in a muslim country is tricky as muslims do not believe in evolution, and even though this entire family has been completely autrisized and are often tuanted by their neighbors, the government itself watched the researchers very carefully, even sending the military out to monitor them.
It is against the law to insult a Turk, and when reseachers made an observation that these people walked with an animal-like quality they were nearly arrested.
However the scientists did manage to study the family closely and did the tests they wanted to do.

It was discovered that these children were born with a genetic brain abnormality and Dr. Uner Tan, a neurophysiologist specializing in the functions of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, who first brought the family to the attention of scientists believes the siblings, are evolutionary throwbacks, a "missing link" to our forebears.

Neurological tests showed the children had limited inteligence, limited language skills, and limited fine motor skills, all of which are traits of very early ancestors.

MRI scans suggest the brothers and sisters have a form of cerebellar ataxia (an underdevelopment of the brain). The condition affects the brain's cerebellum, which is located at the top of the neck and is associated with balance and muscle coordination.
Yet this ataxia in itself would not explain why the siblings never found their feet.
There is documentation showing a boy with no cerebellum at all who nonetheless walks and rides a bicycle. So having a damaged cerebellum doesn't explain why these kids ended up walking on all fours.

Meanwhile German geneticists believe the siblings' genetic abnormality may have knocked out the gene responsible for bipedalism, or two-legged walking, in humans.
They are working to discover if perhaps this defective gene is infact THE gene that allows humans the ability to walk upright.

Another team of researchers, including British evolutionary psychologist Nicholas Humphrey, say the cause is twofold: the way the siblings were raised and brain damage resulting from the genetic defect.

The mother says all of her children, when they were infants, ran around on all fours before they learned to walk. Not just ordinary crawling, no these kids ran around like monkeys on their feet and hands.

The siblings' father told researchers that he didn't regard the seeming handicap as something that needed to be corrected. He has been very accepting and tolerant of his children, because he thinks it was God's will that they should walk this way.

So is this condition due to genetics, environment, or is it as the father believes "allah's will"?

I belive the muslims have always remained behind the curve in the genetic area and it makes perfect sense to me that this would go one step further and result in the actual de-evolution of their kind!
It's actually pretty funny LOL!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


This IS the real pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
And what is it?
Our future of course, and we must protect her and guard her with our very lives.
Make sure that our future gets the same freedom that we have always cherished so much!!

Monday, January 21, 2008


Certain people, I don't have to mention any names here, seem to think that if you hate muzzies then you are not American!
That if you hold muzzies responsible for the autrosities they have commited then you are somehow unAmerican.

They seem to think that since they have forgiven muzzies, married one, and sleeps with one, that they are somehow better Americans than the rest of us.

So what makes a true American???

Is it forgiveness of American's enemies??
Is it fraternization with America's enemies??
Is it the capitulation to those who would have us either completely destroyed or under the yoke of islam??


A true American is one who proves their love of and loyalty to this great nation by standing their ground and defending her at all costs.
A true American is one who believes in the principles this nation was founded on, but also recognizes that there is a limit to our generousity and the forgiveness we are willing to show.

A true American NEVER EVER fraternizes with an enemy of this country.
A true American never capitulates, never surrenders, and will never fall under the yoke of islam.

Islamic beliefs are completely opposite to everything this great nation stands for. America absolutely can NOT stand side by side with the religion of Islam.
I say you simply can not be American if you accept islam.
The 2 things are polar opposites to each other and can not survive together.

The one true goal of islam is to change us, to take away every single thing that makes us "Americans".
To kill us off or breed us out of existence, either way will do, and it is up to we TRUE AMERICANS to make sure this never happens, we must preserve ourselves at all costs.

So when certain people among us sell themselves to islam for a fuck, and breed future islamic terrorists, who will do nothing else in life except work to destroy us, then it is our patriotic duty and absolute responsibility to protect ourselves and our great nation from these people.

These women who sell their souls to the islamic devil deserve no grace or forgiveness for they are nothing more than the incubators of future jihadis.
They are part of the war machine that fights against EVERYTHING we, as true Americans, believe in!!!

I say a true American has no choice but to hate islam!!!


I saw the movie "THE BUCKET LIST" today and I must say I thought it was a wonderful story and I highly recommend it.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Well the culinary got their asses handed to them on a platter today.

Although they endorsed Obama, lobbyed very hard to get all of their union members to vote for him, and arranged to have 9 extra caucus centers inside strip casinos to make it easier for them to do so.... Hilliary won the democratic caucus anyway.


Better luck next time latinos!!
Better luck next time Obama you muzzie fucker!!

On the republican side Romney won, which is no surprise really.
I mean, we are real close to mormon country here, and mormons have alot of influence here, so I kind of saw that one coming.

The fucked up thing about today is the fact that this state has approx 2.6 million people, with approx. 1.7 million of them living right down here in the southern tip, and yet only 100,000 or so showed up to caucus in the entire state.

The parties and the media all thought it was a great turn out.
I find it pretty pathetic. 100,000 people decided for the whole state.
You would think that now, out of all times, people would be getting off their butts to participate in the next presidential election.
I guess not.
Lets hope everyone does better when it comes to the actual election!!!

And lets face it we ALL love to bitch now don't

Friday, January 18, 2008


The democratic caucuses are tomorrow here in Nevada and as of now the polls show a pretty close race between Obama and Clinton.
I hate them both by the way, but just keeping you informed on how things are going.

The other day I told you about how the huge Culinary union, which is mostly all latino by the way, has switched gears from Hilliary to Obama.

They released a statement today saying the following.....
Now remember the word "OUR" refers to latinos,

"Hillary Clinton does not respect OUR people. Hillary Clinton should not allow her friends to attack OUR people's right to vote this Saturday.(they were refering to the teacher's union there) Senator Obama wants OUR votes. He respects OUR votes, OUR community, and OUR people."

Apparently the culinary has absolutely no interest in the needs of the non-latinos who are members of their union, or the non-latinos in the rest of the state or even country for that matter.
But we here in Vegas already knew that!!!

I wonder though if by making it an Hispanic versus others issue, could it backfire on Obama???

Also someone did point out, and I do totally agree, that just because the union itself supports Obama, it doesn't mean the members of the union have to vote for him.
Infact alot of them still do support Hilliary.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see just who wins this one here in Nevada.
I guess we'll find out this weekend!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Some of you people seem to have forgotten 9-11 or have ignorantly decided to forgive!!!



Wednesday, January 16, 2008


In order to understand what's going on here right now you have to understand what exactly the culinary union is.
It is a huge, very powerful union. It is VERY heavily latino, and estimates are that approx. 1/2 of culinary members are illegal immigrants.
(I would bet my life that it's more than 1/2).
Most of the union meetings are conducted in spanish ONLY and therefore the culinary members who do not speak spanish might as well not go to them.
You get the idea.

#1 - In Vegas almost every single casino is unionized and that union is the Culinary.
Several months ago the culinary began sending out leaflets encouraging it's members to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Union members even went to the casinos and sat in the EDR"S (emplyee dinning rooms) so they could talk to workers while they were on lunch breaks. Of course they concentrated ONLY on the latinos (the spanish speakers) and everyone else was pretty much ignored.

#2 - 9 casinos were set up to be caucas stations so that culinary workers who had to work Saturday could still participate.
Talk about courting the latino vote!!!
Last week the culinary switched gears and officially endorsed Barack Obama and are now encouraging members to vote for him.

#3 - Two days after that happened a law suit was filed by the Teacher's Union, stating that having caucuses inside the casinos gives casino workers an unfair advantage over other people across the state who do not work in casinos.
Of course the Teacher's Union didn't seem to have a problem with the casino caucuses until the culinary ditched Clinton and went for Obama, even though they say one has nothing to do with the other.

#4 - Since so many of the culinary workers are illegals, and will be voting for a democrat, I wanted to find out how the democratic primaries are going to prevent voter fraud.

Here is what I was told...... These culinary workers will be required to show a workers photo ID card, (not a drivers license, birth certificate or anything like that), and they will be required to sign a piece of paper saying that yes they are lawful citizens of the United States.

BUT here's the rub... if you work for a casino then you have to have a workers photo ID card, every single casino employee has one...that includes the approx. 50% of illegals working in the casinos here.
And as far as signing a piece of paper saying you belong here in th U.S, well who is gonna check these pieces of paper to make sure everyone is telling the truth??

I will tell you who.....The democratic party itself has the responsibility of checking, and they have absolutely ZERO incentive to do so because if they do they will have to take all those illegal names off, and therefore lose all of those illegal votes.
So you tell you really think they are going to check???


***Meanwhile Hillary is in Vegas now and spending time with every latino she can get her hands on. I have seen many photo ops in the news, etc... and in every single one Clinton is shmoozing with latinos, and only latinos!
I guess they are the onnly ones who matter to her.

On a side note...... Most of the Republicans are in South Carolina today and Huckabee signed a "No Amnesty" pledge!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


The FDA, who never makes any mistakes **wink, wink** has finished their little tests and decided that consumption of cloned meat (cattle, swine, and goats) is perfectly safe. This also includes the milk produced by these animals.
They say that there is some risk in the consumption of young cloned animals but that by the time they are fully mature they are completely safe!
They also state that it is unlikely that the cloned animals themselves will be put into the food chain but that their offspring certainly will be.
I think that's a load of manure!!

This not being bad enough they are working hard to make it so that these products will NOT be labeled as coming from cloned animals.
In other words you won't know if your buying cloned meat, or milk from a cloned cow.
So your choice in the matter will be taken completely away from you!

Since when have we needed to clone animals such as cows??
Are they getting hard to come by??
Is our beef in short supply??
Are we down to our last few cows and therefore have to play God in order to replenish the herds??

First they injected them with hormones in order to grow bigger cows so they can get more pounds of beef and therefore more money, but cases have been made that these hormones have caused diseases in humans such as cancer.
And now they are cloning new animals.

In the not so distant future I bet we will be giving hormone injections to these cloned animals, and God only knows what effect that will have on the human body before all is said and done.

I am so glad that I am trying to get totally off of meat.
It may be one of the best decisions I ever make before it's all over.


Since Russia and China are making massive arms deals with Iran (Shiites) as fast as they possible can, I guess the Saudis (sunnis) are getting nervous, so yesterday the U.S. announced that we have made a $20 Billion dollar arms deal with them.

Some of the weaponry will include: approx 900 J-Dams (satellite-guided bombs), new naval vessels, an advanced version of air-to-air missiles, already used by the United States, advanced Patriot missiles, and 500-pound and 2000-pound bombs, among other things.

The sale is intended to upgrade the Saudi military's ability to counter possible Iranian aggression in the Persian Gulf region.
Of course the sale will have to be approved by congress, but we need the money so I am sure it will pass.

I just can't wait for the U.S to pull out of Iraq so that the blood bath can begin. Sunnis and Shiites, armed to the teeth, with a 1400 year old hatred for each other.
Of course it won't just be Saudi Arabia and Iran in the mix.
No, all the muzzie nations will come a runnin' to get in on that one.
Europe will empty out significantly too, with all the muzzie immigrants racing to get into the unholiest of "holy wars".

It's really gonna be something to see.
Blood and body parts as far as the eye can see.
Millions of muzzies killed by other muzzies.
Now that's justice I tell ya!!!

I am buying popcorn and a wide screen TV so that I can truely enjoy the show.... Yes life does have it's upside. LMFAO!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


As some of you know I have a house in Tulsa even though I live here in Vegas, and I have been waiting to get these pictures that show the damage done to a tree in the front of my house.

It was a large, lovely tree that was actually more like 6 trees that had spiraled together and then grown into one very large tree, so when the ice storm destroyed it last month it fell in several different directions.

One part fell to the left into my neighbor's yard, two parts fell to the right into my other neighbor's yard, two parts fell out into the street completely blocking the road, and one part was left standing.

Amazingly there were cars in everyone's driveways and parked on the street and not one of them was hit by the tree.
Nobody's house, including mine, was hit either, THANK GOD!!!

Anyway, I just got the pics in the mail today so I thought I would share a few of them. If you click on the pics you can see them enlarged.

This used to be my tree!!!
This view is from the street.
You can see my neighbor's house,
and that some of her trees came down also.

As you can see it barely missed my neighbor's car!!!
This view is from my front yard.

This is part of the tree that was laying in the street!
You can see the edge of my driveway at the bottom of pic.

This is another view of what was laying in the street
This view is from the street.

This is a view taken from my front porch.
This used to be such a beautiful tree during the summer.
It shaded most of my house.

This is just a close up view of my poor tree.
You can see a large chunk of it came right out by the roots!

This last picture shows the part of the tree that fell into my other neighbors yard. As you can see it went down right over my driveway
and just barely missed the car that was sitting there!
This view is from the street.

If you look carefully through that pine tree you can just barely
see my little house. It's the gray one.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


I visited Blonde's blog today and she has written a post regarding the "Christian" church that Barack Obama belongs to.
I felt it was so important that we all see this that I wanted to bring it to my blog too.
Now as we all know Barack Obama denies being muslim and affirms his Christianity at every turn. However it might do us all well to look at the particular church to which he belongs!
This church is being called, by some, more of a cult than to a true religion, and after going to the churches web site and watching the videos below I tend to agree.
It certainly affirms the fact that I do NOT want HIM as my president because as a white person and an American it is completely clear that he would not have my personal best interests at heart.

The church follows a "10-point vision", which is refered to, by the church itself, as "Afro-centric"

This is the churches website
You should all read the short paragraph and watch the short video produced by the church.
It's quite interesting and eye opening too!!!

You should also watch the following videos to get an idea of just how this church really works!!!

Part 1 of FOX news investigation on Baracks church (2 min 53 sec)

Part 2 of Fox news interview with pastor of the church (6 min 14 sec)

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I didn't want to write about this until I had a couple of days to digest it, think about it, and get some facts.
As you all surely must know a few days ago 5 small Iranian boats harrassed and provoked 3 U.S. Navy ships in the Straits of hormuz, which is the entrance to the persian gulf where most of the world's oil travels through.
Apparently it went like this....

U.S. ships were sailing along
Suddenly 5 little Iranian speed boats, operated by the republican guard, charged towards the U.S. ships.
Then over the radio the Iranians announced that the U.S. ships would explode in a couple of minutes, and followed that announcement by tossing white boxes into the sea.
The U.S. personnel manned their weapons and were just about to fire when the Iranian boats sped away from the scene.

The whole ordeal took approx. 5 minutes.

The Iranians now say the whole thing was fabricated by the U.S. and that the incident was simply a routine communication between them and the U.S. ships.

Now I would like your opinions on the TRUE motives of the Iranians for doing this.
I know what I think, what do you think???

Monday, January 7, 2008


In the "good ol' days" parents used to send their children outside to play when they got under foot and became annoying.
Children used to play all over the neighborhood and return home only when it was dinner time.
Children who were bored or had to much energy were given chores to do, the premise being idle hands breed mischief, and therefore mischief was kept in check by exhausting the child.
Chores were also given as a way to teach the child that no one gets a free ride in this world.
Chores taught them ethics, taught them that by working hard they could accomplish many things. Chores gave them a sense of pride in themselves.
Playing hard and working hard kept the children out of trouble.

But as I said...those were the good ol' days!
Times have certainly changed.

Today children cannot run the neighborhoods as they once did because it is simply not safe for them.
This automatically puts them under foot of the parents, and playtime has been replaced by television and video games.
Their little minds and bodies have become somewhat atrophied and less necessary than they once were.
Another effect of being "home bound" is the frazzeled nerves of parents, who instead of taking the time to stimulate their childs brain have instead demanded the creation of so-called diseases
(ADD & ADHD) and have demanded medication in which to combat it. Parents in essence have medicated their children in order to make their own lives more tolerable!!!

A child naturally has a short attention span, and exsist in a hyperactive state of being. They go from one interest to another in quick succesion, and because of this they stimulate their imaginations, they stimulate their brains, which in and of itself stimulates their brain capacity and learning abilities.

But in todays world parents seeking a way to "calm" and control the child, drug companies seeking a way to profit from it, and doctors seeking a way to explain what is "abnormal" about normal behavior, have labeled this inate and natural part of a child's being a "disease".

"Chores" is also becoming and extinct word in the vocabulary of children.
They no longer believe they have to earn what they get. These days more and more children believe they deserve everything for doing nothing.
This translates into many of them taking what belongs to others when they get big enough to do so.
This also translates into one more thing a child does NOT have to keep their little brains and bodies busy these days.
Children who have no purpose and who have nothing in their little lives to be proud of WILL, in the end, wreak havoc upon society.
The state of the world today proves my postion on this.

I do not have to explain the detrimental effect this has had on our society as a whole. All you have to do is look around you.
Think about how it was in your childhood. Think about how it was in your parents childhood. The difference between then and now is like night and day!!!

The relatively docile reaction to perverts who prey on kids, the lack of a good work ethic, the belief in being "owed" something for doing absolutely nothing, and the mind numbing boredom of childhood has created a world that would be completely unrecognizable to our ancestors.

Shame on us all!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Well the new year has barely started and already we are setting records.
Today the price of oil reached the $100 a barrel mark for the first time EVER!!!
When the markets finally closed, oil had gone down to $99.62 a barrel.

20 or 30 years ago there would have been rioting in the streets if oil had reached $50 a barrel, but today when it reached $100 most of us didn't even notice, and those of us who did notice managed a roll of the eyes and a shrug of the shoulders but that's about it.

Once again the U.S. national reserve say they will not dip into the national oil reserve.
I wonder what they are saving all that oil for!!!

It's not only your gas tank that is affected here....
You can expect record food prices because of the cost of the oil/gas to harvest, process, and ship food to market.
The price of oil based products such as makeup has already risen dramatically. The cost of lipstick for instance is up 7%.
Home heating cost expected to be of record highs this winter season.
Etc, etc, etc.....

Now I realize that many of you guys are "internet rich" but for the rest of us this shit is getting out of hand.

A few months ago I finally bit the bullet and traded in my beloved Suburban for a stupid little gas efficient car that I absolutely hate!!!

Also one of the pros for me moving to Vegas was to save on home heating costs but shit lately it's been down into the 30's at night here. My gas bill is as high as it was when I lived in Oklahoma!!!

You can't drink the water out of the faucet here in Vegas, well you can but it has so many minerals in it that it tastes like shit and is not exactly clear in color, so most people buy bottled water for drinking here.
Less than 2 weeks ago I paid $3.50 for a case of water.
The other day I bought water and paid $4.99 for a case.
I am told it's due to higher fuel costs!!!

Well I could go on but you get the point!!
My big question is...
Just how high can the price of everything go before we say enough is enough???