Friday, November 30, 2007


New information is coming to light that many admirals, and other senior commanders in the Pentagon now say they had no idea about.
And we thought they were on top of things.

Last week the Chinese govt. refused safe harbor to 2 U.S. mine sweeper ships who were caught in a bad storm out at sea and had requested to make port in Hong kong until the storm was over!!

On Thanksgiving day the USS kittyhawk battle group prepared to make port in Hong Kong so that thousands of sailors and airmen could have a few hours shore leave.
Hundreds of family members of the crew had flown to Hong Kong to spend time with them, and all for nothing, because at the last minute China refused to allow the ships to dock.
Several hours later the Chinese changed their minds but by then it was to late as the ships were already heading back out to sea.

Just today information has come to out that the Chinese are refusing to allow the USS Reuben James, a frigate, to make a port call in Hong Kong on New Years eve.

A total of nine U.S. military ships have, in the last few months, been refused ports of call in Hong Kong. The last time China refused entry of U.S. ships was in 2002, and yet now suddenly they have done it 9 times in just the last few months.

Also it should be noted that a C-17 aircraft making a routine supply visit to the U.S. consulate in Hong Kong was turned down for flight access into China.

Now that Navy Admirals, and the general staff at the Pentagon have been "informed" about these incidents they say they are stunned & preplexed.
Wow is that all they have to say about it???
The White House seems to share the Pentagons apathy, with no real outrage expressed.

The Navy Admirals and crews "in the field" however do have strong opinions about this and are definately NOT happy!!!

ADM, TIMOTHY KEATING, COMMANDER OF THE U.S. PACIFIC COMMAND said "It's not, in our view, conduct that is indicative of a country that understands its obligations as a responsible nation," he added that he hoped the decision "is not indicative of future repeated denials."
The admiral also expressed concern about China's refusal to allow the minesweepers USS Patriot and USS Guardian to enter the port in Hong Kong.
"A storm blew up and they needed to get into a place of refuge ... so for the Chinese to have denied those two ships, in particular, that is a different kettle of fish for us and is, in ways, more disturbing, more perplexing than the denial for the Kitty Hawk's port visit request."
Keating added that there was an unwritten law among seamen that if someone is in need, you offer safe harbor. He described China's refusal to do so as "behavior that we do not consider consonant with a nation who advocates a peaceful rise and harmonious relations."

I will leave it to your imaginations to decern what the sailors and airmen of these ships have had to say about all this.
But believe ain't pretty!!!

The Pentagon says that the Chinese have yet to offer any explanation for their denial of entry in any of these cases, but reports are that the Chinese are angry because the U.S. congress recently gave a medal to the Dalai Lama, whom China's communist government considers an enemy, and because the U.S. has sold military equipment to Taiwan.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


According to the Center for Immigration Studies, a new census reports states the following................

The U.S. is now getting a higher number of immigrants, both legal & illegal, then we have had in the last 3 decades.

Over 1/2 of the estimated 10 million immigrants who arrived in the U.S. in the last 7 years have been illegal. 90% of those being from Mexico.
And this is a low number as MANY remain hidden in the shadows and are therefore never even counted in a census.

And unlike in the old days when education was a great priority for immigrants, the U.S. census bureau reports that since the year 2000, approx. 33.5% of immigrants no longer bother to graduate from high school.

These are among the main reasons for America's
rising poverty rates
School over-crowding
Soaring healthcare costs

The census bureau also reports that at least 1/3 of all immigrant families have at least one of its members on public assistance (welfare).
A welfare budget that is paid for by your tax dollars!

The minimun wage in Mexico is just under $5 per day, so when they come to the U.S. and are offered $5 or $6 an hour they jump on it, which drives down the standard U.S. wage for American citizens.
Not to mention the lose of the job itself which is going to an illegal rather than to an American sitizen.

So jobs lost, wages depressed, Soaring healthcare costs, bankrupt medical institutions, school over-crowding which leads to the "dumbing down of America", rising poverty rates which puts an even greater burden on ALL public assistance programs, over-crowding which always leads to crankier people and higher crime rates, and a new generation of outsiders who will soon, if not now, be deciding the governmental makeup of this nation!

This is what open borders has given us!!!!

A country who can not protect it's own borders will not remain a sovereign nation for long!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


America invited Middle East nations to Annapolis Maryland for a meeting about how to work together in order to finally settle the issues between the Palis and the Isrealis.

This is the top issue muzzies use to bash the western world, especially America.
This is also the issue that MANY have tried to resolve in the past with absolutely no results!!!

Anyway, yet another summit is now underway, but before the meeting really even got started thousands of Palis took to the streets, led of course by Hamas, to protest the meeting with crys of "death to America" and "death to Isreal".

Although all the major players were invited to this meeting Iran was not!.....Oh what a slap in the

After the first day of the summit was over both the Pali president and the Isreali president said the meeting was productive and gave them hope.
However Iran's president announced that the meeting was a complete failure but since he wasn't even there I guess he must be pyschic!

In reality, I must agree with the Iranian president, because people like him, Hamas, and others, will ALWAYS make sure that the Isreali/Palestinian issue is a failure. Otherwise muzzies will lose alot they have always had to bitch about, and they can't let that happen now can they!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


54 year old Gillian Gibbons, A british teacher who teaches children in the Sudan was arrested on charges of "blasphemy" because she asked her 7 year old students to name a teddy bear as part of a school project.
The children voted, and choose to name the stuffed bear Mohammed.

OH THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!

Feeling that this isulted the entire religion of Islam Ms. Gibbons was arrested by authorities.
According to Sudanese Islamic law she could face 40 lashes and up to 6 months in jail or a fine for "insulting the prophet".

The British Prime Minister says he is trying to get Ms. Gibbons released from jail, and fellow teachers and friends of Ms. Gibbons say they are absolutely shocked by the whole incident!!!

Frankly I am shocked that they are shocked!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


A young couple falls in love, gets married, and hopes one day to build themselves the house of their dreams.
In the 1980's they buy a plot of land in which to build this home one day. They are happy and oh so hopeful!!!
Their name is the Kirlins.

As often happens though children came along, 3 to be exact, and the building of the house took a back burner to the raising of their little family.
But they never stopped dreaming about that house. They continued to pay the homeowner association dues and property taxes each year, they lived only 200 yards from the property so they hiked past it every week with their dogs, and even sprayed for weeds and fixed broken fences, ETC... then finally in 2006, as the children began to make their own way in life, the couple decided it was time to build that little dream house of theirs.

What they did not know however was that someone else had taken a shine to their little plot of heaven, Someone very powerful!!!

Richard McLean, a former Boulder District Judge, Boulder Mayor, RTD board member - among other elected positions, and his wife, attorney Edith Stevens, used an arcane common law called
"adverse possession" to claim the land for their own.
All the McLeans needed was to develop an "attachment" to it.
Of course their city connections couldn't have hurt, either!!!

In the court papers, McLean and his family admit to regularly trespassing onto the Kirlins' property. They created paths & they put on political fundraisers and had parties on the land (even though not a single photograph of these events surfaced during the court procedings.
Anyway apparently this habit of trespassing developed into an affection for the land and the judge and his wife decided they just had to have the land for their very own!
Now if we take the judge at his own word then he should have faced charges of criminal trespassing, and been labeled a common criminal.

Oh but this is America, and in America the powerful are often allowed to get away with criminal behavior, in America the powerful are often allowed to pervert the rule of law to suit themselves, and in America it is often the regular Joe's, or in this case the regular Kirlins', who pay for the unbridaled greed of the powerful.

The greedy old Judge and his greedy old lawyer wife pulled a few strings, some very powerful strings, and another Judge ordered the Kirlins to sign over about 34% of their 4,750-square-foot lot to McLeans.
To add insult to injury, the case, which the Kirlins are appealing, has cost the family over $100,000 in legal fees so far.


What lesson can we all learn from this?
Easy. If you fancy some undeveloped property - and have no scruples - keep walking on it until you create a path, have a few parties, and then claim it for your very own!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I was watching the news today and a story came on about the rescue of a sea lion who was embedded with over 40 hooks in it's mouth and flippers.
After the video of the rescue finished playing the reporter commented "wouldn't it be great if people were as nice to each other as they are to animals"?
Well Mr. Reporter I must strongly disagree with you and say I could not stand it if we treated people the same way we do animals!!!

The following video gives a glimpse of just how we humans really DO treat animals and for everyone who sees this I would just like you to know what these particular animals go through in order make your Thanksgiving tables complete.

I'm not trying to get you to stop eating turkey BUT you should at least know HOW they get to you!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007


Also known as the capital sins, the seven deadly sins are those transgressions which are fatal to spiritual progress. You probably commit some of them every day without even thinking about it.

#1 - LUST - Luxuria
The sin of lust is usually thought of as involving obsessive or excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature.
Lust can be described as the excessive desire for sexual release. The other person can be therefore seen as a "means to an end" for the fulfillment of the subject's desires, and becomes thus objectified in the process.
Lust is the self-destructive drive for pleasure out of proportion to its worth.

#2 - GLUTTONY - Gula
The sin of gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste.
It is considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food, or its withholding from the needy.
However gluttony does not pertain only to food, but to entertainment and other legitimate goods, and even the company of others.

#3 - GREED - Avaritia
The sin of greed is, like Lust and Gluttony, a sin of excess.
However, Greed applies to the acquisition of wealth in particular.
Greed wants to get its "fair share" and much more.

#4 - WRATH - Ira
The sin of wrath may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. These feelings can manifest as the desire to seek revenge outside of the workings of the justice system.
Anger is often our first reaction to the problems of others.
Impatience with the faults of others is related to this sin.

#5 - SLOTH - Acedia
The sin of sloth is the failure to utilize one's talents and gifts.
The definition of Sloth has changed considerably since its original inclusion among the seven deadly sins. In fact it was first called the sin of sadness. The original meaning of sloth was to exibit melancholy: apathy, depression, and joylessness.

#6 - ENVY - Invidia
The sin of Envy is to desire something that someone else has which you perceive yourself as lacking.
Dante defined this as "love of one's own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs."
Envy resents the good others receive or even might receive.

#7 - PRIDE - Superbia
The sin of pride is the the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise.
Pride is the desire to be more important or more attractive than others. The excessive belief in one's own abilities.
Pride is the deadliest of all the sins and Vanity and Narcissism are prime examples of this Sin.
If someone else's pride really bothers you, you have a lot of pride.

If you would like to take a fun little test to measure which of these sins you are guilty of.....
Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
But be honest now, afterall this is only for yourself and no one else has to know about it.

I took the test and here are my results
Lust:Very Low

Damn!!!, and I thought I was doing pretty good in my life
Anyway, now that you know my sins perhaps you should find out about your own!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


A Japanese whaling fleet left harbor today on a voyage to slaughter 1,000 whales, including 50 humpback whales they say will be used for research.

Humpback whales were hunted almost to extinction by the 1960's.
Estimates are that 90% of them were murdered before the International Whaling Commission set up a world wide moratorium to stop the killings.

Japan says the 50 humpback whales will be used for research purposes, but the fact remains that most of the whale meat will end up in Japanese pubs and supermarkets to be sold as food.

It is not just Whales who suffer for the dinner tables of the Japanese though, no they also enjoy eating dolphin.
Figures say that some 23,000 dolphins are murdered every year by Japanese fishermen to be sold as food.

This picture shows a Japanese fisherman with dolpins in his boat sitting in the bloody Taiji Bay

They make a whole festival around a yearly event when dolphins are forced ashore and then literally hacked to death!!

These whales and dolphins are NOT merely fish, they are intelligent feeling creatures who deserve to be protected from barbarity and comsumption.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


In Saudi Arabia a 19 year old woman was sentenced to 6 months in prison and 200 lashes.
Her crime??
She was gang-raped by 7 men!!!

Oh yes that evil woman, how dare she get herself gang-raped!!!
She should be put in front of a firing squad and shot, or even better she should be beheaded...yeah that would teach her!!!
I mean we gotta teach these evil women to stop forcing men to rape them!!!
She was definately asking for it!!!

Those poor men should receive a muzzie medal for the torture SHE put them through!!!

Friday, November 16, 2007


Once again the blacks are on the march, and once again they fail to march for the issues that will actually better their lives.

They march against the "injustice" against the black man. using as one of their examples Mychal Bell who was convicted in the Jena 6 case. They say it's unfair that he be punished for beating up a white child. They say he is just a good black child who has been railroaded by the system.
What they fail to mention is that Mychal Bell has a criminal history of assualt including an assault on a girl. Yeah he's a great poster child for the black community.

They also march to get sentences reduced for crack convictions since 80% of them involve black defendents. I mean they shouldn't be punished now should they, it's only crack! Crack being sold to black people by other black people is just a way to get rich and have fun depending on which end of the drug deal you are on, so what's the harm?

They march to make hanging noose's and saying "nigger" hate crimes. Fuck the right to free speech and expression. Who cares about whitey's rights!!

But most of all they march to keep the idea of racial victimization going!!! "I am black therefore I must be a victim. Nothing that happens to me can ever be my fault".

If black people were truely serious about making life better they should march for things like...

Reducing the homicide rates in their own neighborhoods, but wait, since most black people are killed by other black people they can't use the race victimization card on that issue.

Or how about marching to reduce the dropout rates of black people. But wait if they all educated themselves and went to college and got good jobs they couldn't use the "oppressed" excuse for their bigotry against whites.

Or how about marching over the fact that the greatest role models for the children of black people, by their own admission, are hip hop/rap stars and basketball players. Oh wait can't do that either because then they would have to ask themselves why black communitys have nothing better to offer their children.

Or maybe they should march over the fact that more than 70% of black children are born out of wedlock. But once again can't do that because if they did that they would have only black men to blame and well that does not ring of racial victimization now does it.

No they can't march over any of the REAL problems that actually do exist in the black communitys because if they did they would be forced to accept that MANY of the problems they face today are of their own making.
And personal responsibility is NOT in the black people's vocabulary for the most part!!

Black people fail to realize that men such as Al Sharton make their livings by keeping the racial victimization card going. Without this Al would have to get an actual job and the good reverend ain't gonna let that happen.

Thursday, November 15, 2007



Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Now where did we leave off yesterday?
Oh yes I remember.......
#4 - Now of course all good playbooks from God need books of interpretation, no they?
Yes, of course they do because as everyone knows God is simply not capable of making himself clear to the very creatures he created. Rght???
God is really not all that bright! lol

Bukhari vol.8, book 82, #794 -
Says that allah wants you to drink camel urine for all your ills and sicknesses

Bukhari vol.1, book 4, #163 -
Says that allah wants you to wipe your butt with an uneven number of stones

Bukhari vol.4, book 54, #513 -
Says allah wants you to spit over the left side of your bed for bad dreams

Bukhari vol.4, book 54, #522 -
Says that allah has deemed that if you hear a donkey braying (which donkeys are prone to do) it means it has seen the devil

Bukhari vol.4, book 54, #516 -
Says that allah wants you to snort water up your nose daily because satan likes to sleep in your nose

Bukhari vol.2, book 23, #460 -
Says that allah wants you to put a green leaf on the grave of your friends when they die because it will help ease their pain (because as we all know that dead people have it rough. Wait, no they don't...THEY'RE DEAD!!!)

Bukhari, Medicine, NOS 5768, 5769, 5779 -
Says allah wants you to eat dates everyday to keep magic away for the whole day

Bukhari vol.1, book 4, #137
Says that if you fart during your prayers allah will not hear your prayer
#139 - Unless of course it is a small fart that does not smell


Muslim Book OLO, #3813
Says that allah wants you to kill dogs in your house because angels do not like them

One last thing if I might......
According to the Bible, Torah, AND Qur'an, God tells us to bow ONLY unto him, we are to worship no one else but God.

The qur'an however deviates from this though starting in
Sura 2:34
Where it says.....After allah had completed his creation he then ordered the angels in heaven to bow down to Adam.
Some of the angels refused, reminding Allah that he had already commanded that they bow down to NO ONE but him.
This angered allah and he cast out of heaven all the angels who had refused to bow to Adam.

HUMMMMMMM... now isn't that special!!!

Anyway, that's a few little fun facts you might use the next time you go to chat. And afterwards feel free to add a "FUCK ALLAH" because he is afterall the devil and deserves to be told to fuck off!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I love you guys, well some of you anyway, so I thought I might provide a little ammunition for you to use in the rooms against the muzzies!!!
Afterall we can only say "fuck allah" so many times right? LOL
and if nothing else, some of these will make you laugh, and lets face it we could all use a good laugh every now and then!!
SO HERE GOES...................

#1 - First let's hear about the creation of man from the muzzies own play book (the Qur'an) shall we.......Now remember these are the words of Allah himself!!!

Sura 96:2-
allah said - I created man out of a mere clot of congealed blood
Sura 15:26-
allah said - I created man out of sounding clay, from mud molded into shape
Sura 3:59-
allah said - I created man from dust
Sura 3:67-
allah said - I created man out of nothing
Sura 16:4-
allah said - I created man from a single drop of sperm

I think allah is just a tad bit confused folks!!

#2 - Now let's hear some more wonders from the muzzies own playbook.....Remember once again, these are the words of allah himself!!!

Sura 18:86-
Allah says - the sun sets in a muddy pool of water every evening
Sura 86:7-
Allah says - man's sperm comes from his backbone and ribs

Oh dear it must be quite embarrassing for allah to be proven wrong by mere mortal men whom he himself created.

Sura 65:4-
Allah says - if you marry a young girl who has not yet had puberty, you can divorce her after 3 months of having sex with her if she does not please you

WOW allah, the pedophile's friend!!!

#3 - Muzzies like to whine that the bible & Torah have been corrupted, and they use quotes from the Bible to prove this.
BUT how can one claim something is corrupt unless they have the REAL version to compare it to??
Well as it happens we DO have the "real" versions.....

A. The dead sea scrolls (the old testament) were discovered in 1948, and they date back over 2000 yrs. and they match perfectly to the old testament we use today. Therefore NOT corrupted!!

B. We also have over 24,000 manuscripts of the new testament and those match perfectly to the new testament we use today.
Therefore NOT corrupted!!

So to continue.....

Muzzies say that their Qur'an has been preserved without change for some 1400 years and therefore that makes it authoritative and from God...
But WE have proven that our Bible has been preserved without change for at least 600 years longer than the Qur'an, therefore by their own definition, the Bible IS authoritative and from GOD!!!

Also in the Qur'an it says that Jesus was sent by God to confirm the Torah (old testament), which means the Torah could NOT have been corrupted at that time, otherwise why would God have sent Jesus to confirm it??

#4 - Now of course all good playbooks from God need a book of interpretation,
no they?
Well the Qur'an does, so here goes.....

Well actually I think I will save that for tomorrow
So until then..HAPPY MUZZIE BASHING!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007


The American civil war was fought between the north, who wanted to end slavery, and the south, who wanted to keep slavery.

November 6, 1860 - Abraham Lincoln, (a white man), who had declared....
"Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free..."
is elected president, the first Republican, receiving 180 of 303 possible electoral votes and 40 percent of the popular vote, and let us not forget that ALL voters at that time were WHITE MEN.

When choosing sides....
Both North and South were influenced by the ideas of Thomas Jefferson (a white man).

Southerners emphasized the states' rights ideas mentioned in Jefferson's Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and the right of revolution mentioned in the Declaration of Independence.

Northerners ranging from the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison to the moderate Republican leader Abraham Lincoln emphasized Jefferson's declaration that all men are created equal.

White families were torn apart, white brother against white brother, white father against white son, white neighbor against white neighbor, to end the horrific practice of slavery.

This war, only 4 years in length, which was the deadliest in American history, causing 620,000 soldier deaths and an undetermined number of civilian casualties, was fought by WHITE men to end the slavery of the black man.

Now 200+ years later the question is......
Have the black men ever even acknowledged that it was WHITE men who fought & died for their freedom in the first place???

The white man wanted to end slavery AND racism...the black man only seems to want to keep the racism going.....why is that???
How long can the events of centuries ago be used to justify the blacks racism against whites today???

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007


We see homeless people all the time even though we usually pretend that we don't.
We walk by with our eyes averted and sooth our conscious' by saying things like "if they weren't so lazy they would not be on the streets".
Then maybe once a year, around the holidays, we might donate a little food, or time to a homeless shelter just so that we can puff out our chests and tout our humanity.
But other than that we pretty much ignore them.

But just for a minute lets talk about who those homeless, forgotten, ignored, "lazy" people really are.....
The United States veterans represent about 11% of the adult civilian population.
However these vets also represent about 25% of the homeless population in this nation, and according to the Veteran's Affairs Administration more and more of those numbers include US military personnel from the wars in Iraq and Aphganistan.

Men who have gone to war and fought for YOU when you asked them to are coming home alive but often lost.
The statistics say that the lives of 90% of the US military personnel who are injured in Iraq and Aphganistan are saved.
But then what???

After spending extended tours in Iraq and Aphganistan they often come home to find they have lost the jobs that were promised would be waiting for them when they returned, they often find they have lost the women who promised to be waiting for them when they returned, they are missing limbs due to the sheer brutality of war, and they have the mental scars that war can't help but create.

I really don't know how the generation before us could hold their heads high after the way they treated the men who served in Vietnam.
I was so very young then and did not understand what the war was all about but even then I completely understood that what the "grown ups" were doing to our troops was wrong in every way possible ....and I know that I could not live with myself knowing that our generation did the same thing to our own vets!!!

We were pissed after 9-11 and we demanded that somebody pay and so our most precious warriors were sent out to do just that.
They suffer the terror of war, something the rest of us could NEVER understand, they watch their friends die, they deal with an enemy who can be defined as nothing more than animals, and then if they are lucky enough to get out of it alive...this is how we are going to repay them??????

So the next time you see a homeless person, do the honorable, human thing and give them a second look...take the change out of your pocket and hand it to him with a compassionate smile on your face & a kind word from your lips, so that he might eat that day. Even if you think he might just buy a beer instead, give him the money anyway.....
God knows, if he is a Vet, he deserves a drink after what we've put him through!!!!


Friday, November 9, 2007


Just a couple of weeks after the toy industry promised that this would be the safest holiday season EVER we have yet another recall of a product produced in China!!


This time it is a product for children, which if swallowed, metabolizes into the equivalent of GHB "the date rape" drug.
This product when swallowed can cause vomiting, convulsions,
loss of consciousness, seizures, respiratoy distress, coma,
and even death.

It seems that the Chinese factory making these things substituted a toxic chemical for a safe glue.

The "toy" is called AQUA DOTS
and the basic component is small beads. Using a smart-looking applicator, kids arrange the beads on a grid in little crafty patterns.
Then you spray the beads with water and, voilĂ , they fuse together.

"Aqua Dots" which have been heavily promoted since April and are already on Walmarts top selling toy list here in the US, were also named the top selling toy of the year in Australia.

Now however this "toy" has put at least 2 children in the hospital,
in critcal condition, in Australia where this health hazard was first discovered.

4.2 million Aqua Dots are being recalled at this time in the U.S.


Thursday, November 8, 2007


This week the United States deficit reached $9 Trillion.

To help you understand just how bad things are.....
It took from George Washington (1789-1797) til Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) to reach a $1 trillion deficit.

Thats right, 200 years for America to go into debt by $1 trillion dollars and only 18 years for us to get to the now $9 trillion dollar mark!!! And this is after the deficit was reduced during the Clinton presidency.

And who are our biggest lenders?
Countries like China, India, Mexico, Japan, and Brazil.

Which may explain why our government continues to allow toxic product imports, massive outsourcing of manufacturing and research & development jobs, uncontrolled borders, etc....

Think about it!!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


When asked this riddle,
80% of kindergarten kids got the answer,
compared to only 17% of Stanford University seniors.

What is greater than God,
More evil than the devil,
The poor have it,
The rich need it,
And if you eat it, you'll die?

Do you know the right answer??

Guess us your best guess!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007


U.S. farmer, Steve Scaroni, owner / operator of Valley Harvesting
& Packing company has moved his $50 million a year business to Mexico because he says he can not find enough workers here in the U.S.
Mr. Scaroni employs approx. 500 people in his company and says quite simply "Americans are not raising their children to be farmers", and adds that he has been to Washington 6 times himself to lobby congress to ease restrictions on legal migrant workers.

The other side of the story comes for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture who says lack of workers comes from the fact that the average farm worker wages have only increased 3% in the last 7 years.
The average farmer makes $9/hour which is lower then farm wages were 10 years ago.
Also basic health care is left to the federal government, and there are no benefit packages to speak of.
The Dept of Agriculture also states that part of the agriculture industry problems come from their overall refusal to mechanize.

It should be stated that Mr. Scaroni says it costs $10 million a year to run his business.
So if you do the math......
He makes $50 million/year
It costs $10 million/year to run the business
Which, if my math is correct, gives him and his investors a
$40 million/year profit!!!

So the reality is....If business' like Mr. Scaronis would take less profit, they could pay better hourly wages, benefits, and healthcare packages, and I doubt that they would have any problems at all in finding American workers.

But once again Corporate America is NOT going to cut into that almighty profit margin now are they!!!!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Well, well, well 6 years after 9-11 the Saudis announced this week that it could have all been prevented had the US only asked them.

According to the Saudis they had been tracking the activities of the militants who would later be the "9-11 hijackers" and had the US only consulted with them the attacks would never have occured.

In other words, since we didn't ask them they just let it all happen apparently!!!

I guess they couldn't have possibly told us an attack was coming without us having to ask them first huh?

Allah, I mean satan, must be so pleased with them!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Billions of toys a year are shipped to the US from China.
Toys that you buy for your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc....
Now how many inspectors would you say there are to inspect the safety of all those toys?
100? 500? 1000? More???
Actually there is only one person, yes that's right, just one person incharge of inspecting tens of billions of toys.
So if you think the millions of recalls that have already happened is a good thing, just imagine how many more millions of toys are getting through and endangering the health and welfare of our American children!!!
I do not have any children myself, however I have many friends with kids whom I buy for every year and I do not want to be the cause of any harm to them.

Now I have heard that 80% of all of our toys come from China/Taiwan, which means somewhere here in the US are the other 20% of the toys that do NOT come from China and I plan to buy those toys for the children on my shopping list this year.
However I must confess that so far I have been unable to find any toys that are not made in China!!
I have even looked at clothes and jewelry and such, as an alternative to toys, but found that the large majority of those are also made in China.
So what are my choices?
Buy defective toys & clothes from China and hope no one gets hurt or poisoned with lead?
Or maybe not buy toys or clothes for the kids at all this year??

I could use some please help me out here!!